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Organizations & Business Environment 2e
Craig Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This new edition of Organisations and the Business Environment provides a completely revised, extended and updated edition of the original successful text. It provides contemporary and comprehensive coverage... czytaj dalej

Crisis Management in the Tourism Industry
Glaesser Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The tourism industry is arguably one of the most important sources of income and foreign exchange, and is growing rapidly. However, national and international crises have huge negative economic consequences... czytaj dalej

Clinical Trials in Neurologic Practice
Peter Biller Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This unique volume provides you with everything you need to know about clinical trials for neurologic disorders and how to assess them. The authors have taken the past decade's significant advances in the therapeutics... czytaj dalej

Contemporary Security Management
J. Fay Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Contemporary Security Management is hands-down the most comprehensive and up-to-date security management book available. It serves as an indispensable working tool for students and security professionals at... czytaj dalej

Park Avenue Cubists Gallatin Morris Frelinghuysen & Shaw
D. Balken Wydawnictwo: inne

The Park Avenue Cubists explores the work of a group of American artists committed to the belief that American abstraction could make a unique contribution to the evolution of the visual experiments begun by... czytaj dalej

Using Test Data in Clinical Practice
K. MacCluskie Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Using test Data in Clinical Practice provides readers with case examples and practice opportunities in test usage, detailed discussion of approaches to client feedback and report writing and a review of the... czytaj dalej

Geographic Information Systems for the Social Sciences
Stanly Steinberg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Geographic Information Systems for the Social Sciences" takes a cutting-edge approach to integrating spatial concepts into the social sciences. It is written for both the practitioner and the academic... czytaj dalej

SAGE Handbook of Performance Studies
D. Madison Wydawnictwo: angielskie

D Soyini Madison and Judith Hamera Introduction: Performance Studies at the Intersections / PART ONE: PERFORMANCE AND THEORY / Della Pollock Introduction: Performance Trouble / Jose Esteban Munoz Stages / Rebecca... czytaj dalej

Understanding Our Environment
K. Chhokar Wydawnictwo: angielskie

`This is a very interesting book. It is a very good introduction to key issues without some of the hype found in Western texts... Certainly it should be a standard text in teacher training situations for... czytaj dalej

Colonial & Post-Colonial Geographies of India
S. Raju Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book brings together original contributions by geographers from India, Western Europe and the United States. It provides important insights into the way contemporary geographers engage with broader intellectual... czytaj dalej