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Analytical Troubleshooting of Process Machinery & Pressure
Sofronas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A highly practical troubleshooting tool for today's complex processing industry Evolving industrial technology#151;driven by the need to increase safety while reducing production losses#151;along with environmental... czytaj dalej

Frank McKinney's Maverick Approach to Real Estate Success
Mckinney Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Praise for Frank McKinney "My neighbor, Frank McKinney, is certainly a maverick and a spiritually grounded young man. The oceanfront homes he builds here in Florida are magnificent and unique. More important... czytaj dalej

Jews in Poland-Lithuania in the Eighteenth Century
G. Hundert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Missing from most accounts of the modern history of Jews in Europe is the experience of what was once the largest Jewish community in the world - an oversight that Gershon David Hundert corrects in this history... czytaj dalej

Fluid Dynamics & Transport of Droplets & Sprays
Sirignano Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The study of droplets and sprays has developed rapidly over the past two decades because of their many important applications, from automobile engine combustion to drug aerosols. This book addresses the complex... czytaj dalej

Thinking about Political Psychology
J. Kuklinski Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Some of the leading scholars in political psychology discuss and debate some of the major issues in the field. Scholars define the boundaries of the field, debate its relevance, consider whether the field is... czytaj dalej

Isaiah's Christ in Matthew's Gospel
R. Beaton Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Matthew's Jesus is typically described as the humble, compassionate messiah. This book argues that this is, however, only half the story. Matthew's theologically rich quotation of Isaiah 42.1-4, traditionally... czytaj dalej

Political Economy of State-Society Relations in Hungary
Seleny Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The profound transformations that preceded the downfall of Communism originated in Poland and Hungary, but played out in strikingly different ways. Hungary led through economic reform, Poland through open political... czytaj dalej

Mental Spaces in Grammar
Sweetser Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Conditional constructions have long fascinated linguists, grammarians and philosophers. In this pioneering new study, Barbara Dancygier and Eve Sweetser offer a new descriptive framework for the study of conditionality... czytaj dalej

Biology & Pathology of Trophoblast
Moffett Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is the first dedicated, in-depth account of trophoblast: the tissue derived from the fertilized egg that nourishes and protects the developing fetus. The cells of the trophoblast have many unique qualities... czytaj dalej

Ecology of Populations
E. Ranta Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The theme of the book is the distribution and abundance of organisms in space and time. The core of the book lies in how local births and deaths are tied to emigration and immigration processes, and how environmental... czytaj dalej