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Color Harmony
C. Simmons Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Selecting the right color palette for any design project, whether personal or commercial, can make all the difference in getting it right. But choosing the right colors for a logo, and ultimately the identity... czytaj dalej

Ethical Sourcing in the Global Food System
S. Barrientos Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Ethical sourcing, both through fair and ethical trade, is increasingly entering the mainstream of food retailing. Large supermarkets have come under pressure to improve the returns to small producers and conditions... czytaj dalej

The Red Badge of Courage and Selected Short Fiction
Stephen Crane Wydawnictwo: inne

Young Henry Fleming dreams of finding glory and honor as a Union soldier in the American Civil War. Yet he also harbors a hidden fear about how he may react when the horror and bloodshed of battle begin. Fighting... czytaj dalej

Green Studio Handbook Environmental Strategies for Schematic
A. Kwok Wydawnictwo: inne

With more and more clients and architecture schools demanding green design, both student and professional architects need to get up to speed quickly with the vast range of techniques in this fast moving area... czytaj dalej

Clinical Trial Registries
M. Foote Wydawnictwo: inne

Clinical Trial Registries: A Practical Guide for Sponsors and Researchers of Medicinal Products is a necessary addition to the library of all researchers who plan to publish their results in top-tier, peer-reviewed... czytaj dalej

Małżeńskie ustroje majątkowe
Skowrońska Bocian Elżbieta Wydawnictwo: Wolters Kluwer

Stosunki majątkowe między małżonkami odgrywają istotną rolę. Uprawnienia każdego z małżonków do majątku, który zgromadzili w czasie trwania małżeństwa, kształtują się różnie w zależności od tego, jaki panuje... czytaj dalej

Social Policy for Nurses & the Helping Professions
Peckham Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Social Policy for Nurses and the Caring Professions is one of a series of texts which provide coherent and multi-disciplinary support for all professional groups involved in the provision of health and social... czytaj dalej

Surveillance & Security
T. Monahan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is a volume of original contributions from scholars in eight different humanities and social science disciplines. The aim of the book is to present a range of surveillance technologies used in everyday... czytaj dalej

Business Cycles 3e
L. Tvede Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This entertaining book describes the global history of economic fluctuations and business cycle theory over more than 300 years. It explains the core of the problem and shows how cycles can be forecast and... czytaj dalej

British Modernism & Censorship
C. Marshik Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Government censorship had a profound impact on the development of canonical modernism and on the public images of modernist writers. Celia Marshik argues that censorship can benefit as well as harm writers... czytaj dalej