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Polska Najciekawsze zabytki
Nowiński K. Komorowski J.i in. Wydawnictwo:

Kolejna książka z tej serii prezentuje Czytelnikom ponad 100 najciekawszych zabytków z terenu całej Polski. Znalazły się tu opisy potężnych zamków, a także pięknych pałaców, wspaniałych katedr, kościołów i... czytaj dalej

Wyścig na okrecie \"Beagle\". Eseje o nauce i uczonych
Janusz Bogdan Faliński Wydawnictwo:

Wyścig na okręcie Beagle. to książka niecodzienna. Autor - botanik, ekolog - porusza w niej fundamentalne dla każdego uczonego zagadnienia: komu i czemu służą badania naukowe, dlaczego życiem naukowca rządzą... czytaj dalej

Pathologies of Modern Space
Milun Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book takes an international focus on the topic of agoraphobia, looking at London, Paris, Berlin, and St. Petersburg.... czytaj dalej

Sociolinguistics Soziolinguistik
U. Ammon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In the course of the last 15 years, sociolinguistics (or the sociology of language) has established itself as a academic subject in many countries. The discipline promises to be of benefit in solving practical... czytaj dalej

Monitoring & Surveillance of Genetically Modified Higher
Ghosta Kjellsson,Morten Strandberg Wydawnictwo: inne

The monitoring and surveillance of genetically modified higher plants (GMHP) is an area that is still lacking an established international monitoring program. This volume presents ideas and suggestions by focusing... czytaj dalej

Anthroposophische Medizin in der klinischen Forschung
Kienle Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Anthroposophic medicine is one of the distinct and important complementary medicine systems, extending conventional medicine by applying the cognitive methods and cognitive results of anthroposophy. Provided... czytaj dalej

Pathophysiology Evaluation & Management of Valvular Heart
J. Borer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written by faculty members of the international symposium 'Valves in the Heart of the Big Apple: Evaluation and Management of Valvular Heart Diseases', this book is intended to complement and supplement the... czytaj dalej

Reforming the United Nations The Struggle for Legitimacy
J. Muller Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The United Nations is in need of reform. There has always been widespread agreement that this is the case - indeed throughout the 60-year history of the Organization. Differences over the best cure reflect... czytaj dalej

Developments in Country Studies in International Accounting
H. Meek Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This important volume contains research articles about international accounting issues related to the countries of the Americas and the Far East. The volume is divided into three parts. The first part focuses... czytaj dalej

Earthscan reader in Sustainable Consumption.
S. Cutter Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Politically, intellectually and socially, sustainable consumption is a controversial concept. Consumption drives our economies and defines our lives: making it sustainable is an enormous and essential challenge... czytaj dalej