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Bell, Ezell and Van Roekel (all Sam Houston State U., Texas) present an encyclopedic guide for general readers to the trends, developments, devices, and ideas in the world of technology and information ethics... czytaj dalej
Political Geography provides a comprehensive understanding of the geo-political landscape. New theories and approaches are blended into established frameworks to the world-systems framework to provide greater... czytaj dalej
For sophomore courses on digital design in an Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or Computer Science department. Digital Design, fourth edition is a modern update of the classic authoritative text... czytaj dalej
The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) is a framework widely used to assess an organization's processes in carrying out specific activities, to guide the implemention of improvements, and to measure progress.... czytaj dalej
Walt Whitman is one of the most innovative and influential American poets of the nineteenth century. Focusing on his masterpiece Leaves of Grass, this book provides a foundation for the study of Whitman as... czytaj dalej
The contribution to contemporary philosophy of Alasdair MacIntyre is enormous. His writings on ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of religion, philosophy of the social sciences and the history of philosophy... czytaj dalej
Building on the results of an extensive NSF-funded educational research program and detailed input from an unprecedented 4,500 students and 250 instructors, Randy Knight and Addison-Wesley published Physics... czytaj dalej
This textbook covers the very wide spectrum of all aspects of railway engineering for all engineering disciplines, in a 'broad brush' way giving a good overall knowledge of what is involved in planning, designing... czytaj dalej
Now in its Fifth Edition, this text represents the most respected, current, and leading Aural Rehabilitation (AR) text in the field! This highly regarded text has been substantially updated and revised, making... czytaj dalej
Breast Ultrasound has advanced enormously in the last five years, both in quantity and quality. Ultrasound is used as a primary imaging technique for patients under 35. Ultrasound is also used as secondary... czytaj dalej