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Frau des Zeitreisenden
B. Jakobeit Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Die Frau des Zeitreisenden" - seit mehreren Wochen auf den Bestsellelisten. Selten wurde so aufwühlend, so anders und neu über die Liebe geschrieben. Clare ist Kunststudentin und eine Botticelli-Schönheit... czytaj dalej

Drugs for Relapse Prevention of Alcoholism
K. Mann Wydawnictwo: inne

The field of biomedical research on alcoholism has developed at an astonishing speed in recent years. Today, new medications and treatment strategies are available and new leads are currently tested in multi-center... czytaj dalej

Systems Biological Approaches in Infectious Diseases
Boshoff Wydawnictwo: inne

Systems biology is an emerging discipline that studies the underlying network structure and the dynamics of metabolism, cells or whole organisms. It aims to investigate all interacting components simultaneously... czytaj dalej

Collection's Vision
A. Husslein-Arco Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This catalogue of the inaugural exhibit of the recently opened Museum der Moderne in Salzburg reflects the contemporary nature of the museum in both its design and its layout. Europe's most exciting new museum... czytaj dalej

D. Mebs Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Wenn Tiere die chemische Keule schwingen, ist Vorsicht geboten. Züngelnde Schlangen, krabbelnde Spinnen und wuselnde Skorpione - aber auch schillernd bunte Fische, leckere Muscheln und das scheinbar harmlose... czytaj dalej

Cultural Psychiatry Euro-International Perspectives
Yilmaz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Cultural psychiatry has been the portal through which advances in the social sciences have found their way into medical practice and health policy. Diverse issues and activities in research and practice of... czytaj dalej

Fatty Acids & Lipides
Hamazaki,Okuyama Wydawnictwo: angielskie

More than 20 years ago, research on omega-3 fatty acids started from the hypothesis that fatty acids may prevent cardiovascular disease. Today, the focus has shifted and the most recent areas of research deal... czytaj dalej

Psychoneuroimmunology Hypotheses & Current Research
B. Sperner-Unterweger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This publication offers cutting-edge information about basic neurochemical and neuroimmunological research as well as clinical studies of immunological disarrangements and immunological dysfunctions in psychiatric... czytaj dalej

Neurological Disorders In Famous Artists
J. Bogousslavsky Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The study of how a neurological disorder can change the artistic activity and behavior of creative people is a largely unexplored field. This publication looks closer at famous painters, writers, composers... czytaj dalej

Basics of DNA & Evidentiary Issues
Krishan Wydawnictwo: inne

Recent developments in our knowledge of DNA and usage of this knowledge, have revolutionised the field of forensic science. Particularly with sexual offences, previous problems of blood group and enzyme typing... czytaj dalej