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Advances in Geosciences Solar Terrestrial v 2
M. Duldig Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Advances in Geosciences" is the result of a concerted effort in bringing the latest results and planning activities related to earth and space science in Asia and the international arena. The volume... czytaj dalej

Vein Book
John Bergan Wydawnictwo: inne

The Vein Book is a comprehensive reference on veins and venous circulation. In one volume it provides complete, authoritative, and up-to-date information about venous function and dysfunction, bridging the... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia & Handbook of Process Capability Indices
W. Pearn Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This unique volume provides an up-to-date and detailed description of the various process capability indices widely (and sometimes misleadingly) used in the applications at production sites. The authors, who... czytaj dalej

Hyperbolicity & Sensitive Chaotic Dynamics at Homoclinic
J. Palis Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is a self-contained introduction to the classical theory of homoclinic bifurcation theory, as well as its generalizations and more recent extensions to higher dimensions. It is also intended to stimulate... czytaj dalej

Naturalizing Jurisprudence
B. Leiter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Brian Leiter is widely recognized as the leading philosophical interpreter of the jurisprudence of American Legal Realism, as well as the most influential proponent of the relevance of the naturalistic turn... czytaj dalej

Drugs & Society
Fisch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The focus of this edited collection is a thoughtful multidisciplinary presentation of past and present U.S. drug policies and whether they are winning the so-called war on drugs (they aren't!). For the great... czytaj dalej

Anatomy & Physiology
McGuinness Wydawnictwo: inne

Written by an expert and highly experienced author, this new edition incorporates new material to reflect the changes to the Beauty Therapy specifications and is ideal for those studying NV... czytaj dalej

Doing and Writing Qualitative Research
A. Holliday Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Accessible, practical and concise, this revised edition expertly tackles the practical problems which writers face when they attempt to transfer the rich data experience of their real world research into a... czytaj dalej

Power Faith & Fantasy
Oren Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From the first cannonballs fired by American warships at North African pirates to the conquest of Falluja by the Marines - from the early American explorers who probed the sources of the Nile to the diplomats... czytaj dalej

Analyzing English Grammar
T. Klammer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This advanced grammar text encourages students to think critically about grammar and exposes them to a variety of linguistic theories as it prepares them to become K-12 English teachers.  Designed to support... czytaj dalej