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Seeing America
M. Searl Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Seeing America" is the first-ever catalog of the University of Rochester Memorial Art Gallery's American collection. Founded in 1913, the Memorial Art Gallery was created in conjunction with the... czytaj dalej

Verification of Computer Codes in Computational Science & En
P. Knupp Wydawnictwo: inne

Clearly demonstrates the value of Order Verification via the Manufactured Solution Procedure and offers a detailed guide to its implementationPresents examples involving codes that solve Berger's and the Navier-stokes... czytaj dalej

Process Measurements Materials
D. Cuffaro Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In the world of product design, thousands of small bits of must-know information are scattered across a wide array of places. This book collects all the crucial information designers need to know on a daily... czytaj dalej

Architectural Design of Multi-agent Systems
H. Lin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Agent-oriented design has become on of the most active areas in the field of software engineering. Although great advances have been made in the study of the architectural design of agent systems, the complexity... czytaj dalej

Economic Reform in China & India
Chai Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Recent acceleration of the Indian economic growth rate from 6 to 8 per cent has sparked worldwide speculation that India is about to catch up with China and become another Asian miracle economy. Economic Reform... czytaj dalej

Nordic Scimitar
O. Engedal Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Nordic Bronze Age provides rich and well-preserved material, including large amounts of Central European bronze. It was the northern extention of the European Bronze Age cultures, and was included in this... czytaj dalej

Biographical Dictionary of American Economists
R. Emmett Wydawnictwo: inne

The Dictionary covers American and Canadian economists and writers/thinkers with views on economics from the pre-Revolutionary period to the 1950s. All the major schools of American economic thought are represented... czytaj dalej

Beyond Profit & Self-Interest
R. Gassler Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Gassler (economics, Vrije U., Brussels) tries to establish some order in the chaos he sees resulting from economists expanding their portfolio to deal with just about everything in society. He does not offer... czytaj dalej

Public Expenditure Control in Europe
Crespo Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'Public Expenditure Control in Europe provides a timely and detailed study of audit control of government expenditure in selected EU countries. It combines the factual and descriptive analysis of senior experts... czytaj dalej

Seafarers Merchants & Pirates in the Middle Ages
Meier Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The first sailors braved the North Sea and the Baltic in open wooden boats: their aims were varied - to fish, to trade, to conquer and plunder. Without maps or compasses, they steered by the sun or by sightings... czytaj dalej