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The thoroughly revised, updated Fourth Edition of this classic reference provides authoritative, current guidelines on chest imaging using state-of-the-art technologies, including multidetector CT, MRI, PET... czytaj dalej
This seventh edition of this classic textbook brings together all aspects of nutrition, including food science (biochemistry, microbiology and technology), 'health eating' and clinical nutrition. The basic... czytaj dalej
Over 6,000 copies of the previous edition have been sold worldwide. Written to help employers address growing concerns surrounding rising health care costs and physical activity in the workplace, this work... czytaj dalej
Lesley Chamberlain lived in Soviet Russia in 1978?79 and recorded her experiences in the form of two hundred recipes interwoven with details of Russian culture and history and her own practical advice. From... czytaj dalej
Addresses directly the major points of difficulty faced by students of Husserl and leads them through the maze of complex ideas and language. In identifying and working through common sources of confusion arising... czytaj dalej
The new edition of this successful monograph has been both updated and broadened. Since the previous (second) edition was published in 2000, the structures of the bacterial and eukaryotic ribosomes have been... czytaj dalej
Czy masz podwyższone stężenie cholesterolu we krwi? Uważaj! Może to prowadzić do wystąpienia groźnych chorób, takich jak zawał serca czy udar mózgu. Odpowiednia dieta w połączeniu z lekami może skutecznie obniżyć... czytaj dalej
Success in criminal enterprise largely depends on how offenders go about committing their crimes. An offender's search for increasing financial returns and decreasing costs is mediated by the structure of his... czytaj dalej
Why do literary theorists see reading as an act of dispassionate textual analysis and meaning production, when historical evidence shows that readers have often read excessively, obsessively, and for sensory... czytaj dalej
"Feature Writing" provides a practical and richly informative introduction to feature writing and the broader context in which feature journalists operate. As well as covering the key elements and... czytaj dalej