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Tajemnice Kobiet
Renata Dziurdzikowska Wydawnictwo:

Tajemnice kobiet są o nas - kobietach w różnym wieku, z dziećmi i bez, w związkach i samotnych. Moje rozmówczynie znają nasze serca, tęsknoty i lęki. Razem z Nimi szukam, poznaję kobiece historie, dotykam miejsc... czytaj dalej

Decision Making in Pain Management
Ramamuthy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Clear algorithms and concise accompanying explanations facilitate the evaluation and management of nearly 140 common pain management problems. The New Edition of this best-selling resource features a completely... czytaj dalej

Clinical Pathways In Vitreoretinal Disease
M. Hartnett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Vitreoretinal disease is the leading cause of severe vision loss in most developed countries. This all-encompassing new book is designed to enhance diagnosis and treatment of retinal pathology as you proceed... czytaj dalej

Transcription Factors in the Nervous System
T. Thiel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This first book to cover neural development, neuronal survival and function on the genetic level outlines promising approaches for novel therapeutic strategies in fighting neurodegenerative disorders, such... czytaj dalej

American Global Strategy and the "War on Terrorism"
H. Gardner Wydawnictwo: inne

Contemporary international events, and indeed even the US presidential election, demonstrate the continuing need for debate and discourse over the direction and emphases of US foreign policy. American Global... czytaj dalej

Farming in a Global Economy A Case Study
F. Schryer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Using a Canadian case study, this book demonstrates that Dutch immigrant farmers have a global competitive advantage. It also deals with the implications, both beneficial and harmful, of positive stereotyping... czytaj dalej

Jews in Sicily Corte Pretoriana & Notaries of Palermo v 9
S. Simonsohn Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This volume of the "Documentary History of the Jews in Italy" is the first of the second series, illustrating the history of the Jews in Sicily based on notarial and court records. It is the sequel... czytaj dalej

Medical Terms Their Roots & Origins
A. Tindall Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Medical Terms: Their Roots and Origins is not written for classical scholars. It is not a medical dictionary. It is for those who need to know the origins of one of the most technical and specialised jargons... czytaj dalej

Manifesting Medicine
R. Bud Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Increasingly, historians and museum curators are using technological artefacts as expressions of human culture. Reflecting the broad scope of interaction between science, technology and society, they can help... czytaj dalej

Cohabitation Breakdown
C. Smart Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This report includes the findings of a study of a sample of 40 cohabitees with children who have recently separated. It examines the ways in which non-marital separation may differ from marital separation,... czytaj dalej