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Who Are You
Groebner Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The prehistory of modern passport and identification technologies: the documents, seals, and stamps, that could document and transform their owner's identity. ... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Multimodal Analysis
Machin Wydawnictwo: inne

Introduction to Multimodal Analysis is a unique and accessible textbook that clearly and critically explains this groundbreaking approach to visual analysis. Each chapter outlines the tools for analysis and... czytaj dalej

Complete Guide to Passing the European Qualifying Exam
S. Roberts Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book provides complete, step-by-step guidance to help candidates pass the EQE. It covers all papers in the exam - A to D. Edited by Simon Roberts, Lecturer at CEIPI and Coordinator of the London CEIPI... czytaj dalej

Ascension Day
Matthews John Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Jon Jordan. Crime Spree Magazine.'Ascension Day is like a narcotic, laced with danger, and totally addictive. Impossible to put down. This is what thrillers are meant to be. Jac McElroy is a character I want to read more of.'... czytaj dalej

Alborough Jez Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Yes!" Bobo loves bath time. But when Mummy comes to put him to bed, Bobo says "No!" Will the naughty little chimp ever get out of the bath and snuggle down to sleep?... czytaj dalej

Uwarunkowania rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego Polski
Adam p. Balcerzak Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek

Dobór problemów dyskutowanych i analizowanych w tej książce w pełni odpowiada jej tytułowi. Znajdują się w niej opracowania dotyczące zmieniającego sie ładu instytucjonalnego i prawnego oraz jego znaczenia... czytaj dalej

Atlas of the World's Languages
Asher Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Before the first appearance of the Atlas of the World's Languages in 1993, all the world's languages had never been accurately and completely mapped. The Atlas depicts the location of every known living language... czytaj dalej

Medical Terminology
M. Willis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This medical terminology text uses a Programmed Learning approach that is ideal for classroom use, self-paced study, or distance learning. It is broken down into concise self-instruction frames followed by... czytaj dalej

Transnational Management
Bartlett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

TRANSNATIONAL MANAGEMENT focuses on the management challenges associated with developing strategies and managing the operations of companies whose activities stretch across national boundaries. The purpose... czytaj dalej

Third Secret
Berry Wydawnictwo: inne

What is the Third Secret? It is rumoured to be a prediction so shocking that it has been locked away for over 80 years. But when it is finally revealed in 2000, it seems puzzling, less than sensational. Is... czytaj dalej