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Ancient Near East v.4
R. Wallenfels Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Spanning more than 4,000 years, from the Early Bronze Age to 325 B.C.E., this Encyclopedia provides an overview of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Iran/Persia, the Arabian Peninsula and more. This 4-vol. set is fully illustrated... czytaj dalej

Aalto Alvar
Weston Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Internationally renowned as one of the major achievements of modern architecture, the work of Alvar Aalto (1898-1976) was deeply rooted in the culture and the landscape of his native Finland. A Grand Duchy... czytaj dalej

Medical Humanities
M. Evans,I. Finlay Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The purpose of medical humanities is to improve the delivery of effective health care through a better understanding of disease - in society, and in the individual. The interfaces between the science of medicine... czytaj dalej

R. Pike Wydawnictwo: inne

'Rossi isn't dead yet. And from what I hear, the Rossi brothers are pretty tough monkeys.' Clancy's knuckles whitened on the steering wheel. 'Yeah,' he said. 'They're all tough monkeys. Until they lose those... czytaj dalej

Business Guide to Eu Enlargement Trading & Investment Opp
Ch Ollington Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As the countries of eastern and central Europe join the enlarged EU, their existing EU neighbours and business partners from elsewhere in the world should assess the impact of enlargement on their businesses... czytaj dalej

Kosciuszko We Are Here American Pilots of the Kosciuszko
J. Cisek Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work presents the story of the Kosciuszko Squadron, a small group of American flyers that formed without the support of the State Department and the American Expeditionary Force in Europe. The goal was... czytaj dalej

Essential Environment
Withgott Wydawnictwo: inne

Essential Environment: The Science Behind the Stories retains all the popular features of the landmark first edition-including its integrated central case study approach, and focus on the scientific process... czytaj dalej

Sex Objects Art & the Dialectics of Desire
J. Doyle Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The declaration that a work of art is "about sex" is often announced to the public as a scandal after which there is nothing else to say about the work or the artist - controversy concludes a conversation... czytaj dalej

Ricci Flow Introduction
Chow Wydawnictwo: inne

The Ricci flow is a powerful technique that integrates geometry, topology, and analysis. Intuitively, the idea is to set up a PDE that evolves a metric according to its Ricci curvature. The resulting equation... czytaj dalej

Cellulite Pathophysiology
Goldman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

It is estimated that eighty percent of women have some degree of cellulite, and although there are no permanent solutions, dermatologists recognize that this is an issue of importance for many women. This... czytaj dalej