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Hiv Aids In Latin American Countries
Abreu Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Rich in information, and based on both analyses of secondary information and a full set of newly collected country-level data, this report is intended to be the basis for discussion within and across countries... czytaj dalej

Killing Freud
J. DuFresne Wydawnictwo: inne

Killing Freud takes the reader on a journey through the 20th century, tracing the work and influence of one of its greatest icons, Sigmund Freud. A devastating critique, the book ranges across the strange case... czytaj dalej

Surgical Oncology Contemporary Principles & Practice
Bland Wydawnictwo: inne

This text emphasizes diagnosis, tumour classification, staging, and the treatment options to be found in surgical oncology.Richly illustrated overview of clinical oncology, covering both general aspects of... czytaj dalej

Herman Miller
J. Berry Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In 1936, Herman Miller Inc. founder D. J. De Pree committed Herman Miller to "modern" furniture. The rest is history: their continuing collaboration with some of the giants of modern design has made... czytaj dalej

Running Today's Factory
J. Liker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Lean manufacturing is not a collection of best practices from which manufacturers can pick and choose. It is a production philosophy, a way of conceptualizing the manufacturing process from raw material to... czytaj dalej

Cell Growth Control of Cell Size
M. Hall Wydawnictwo: inne

Breakthroughs in the field of cell growth, particularly in the control of cell size, are reviewed by experts in the three major divisions of the field: growth of individual cells, growth of organs, and regulation... czytaj dalej

Communism Post-Communism & Democracy
I. Iliescu Wydawnictwo: inne

A leader of "the new Europe" offers a unique perspective on recent history. A stalwart ally and strategic partner in the war against terror and a new member of NATO, Romania with its vibrant democracy... czytaj dalej

Illustrated Beatus v 4
J. Williams Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the fourth in a series of catalogues that present descriptions and complete cycles of illustrations of all existing manuscripts of the "Commentary on the Apocalypse" written by the 8th-century... czytaj dalej

Everything I Need to Know About Teaching
S. Jarvis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Everything I Need To Know About Teaching...They Forgot To Tell Me!" helps the new teacher to survive the first year of teaching and wind up happy, wiser and still sane! Can I teach the way I believe... czytaj dalej

Siren Song
R. Kidd Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Before the Black Pearl, there was a teenage stowaway named Jack Sparrow... Captain Jack Sparrow#8217;s ship, the Barnacle, and its up-till-now unshakable crew have suddenly fallen under a sinister spell. While... czytaj dalej