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Allure of Women
F. Baudot Wydawnictwo: inne

Highlights well-known icons, women recognized all over the world, for their style and elegance. Chic, natural and elegant, women are captured in lavish photographs and compelling text. ... czytaj dalej

Mission des Wanderchirurgen
W. Serno Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Vitus, der weit gereiste Wanderchirurg und mutmaßliche Erbe von Schloss Collincourt, ist untröstlich: Seine geliebte Arlette, nach der er so lange gesucht hat, stirbt in seinen Armen an der Pest. Doch vorher... czytaj dalej

Audi Forum Ingolstadt Tradition Vision
Henn Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This monograph offers interior and exterior shots of the Audi Forum, accompanied by a history of the building and the philosophy behind its unique form. ... czytaj dalej

Absolutely Fabulous
R. Hanisch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Including developments in fashion, branding, shopping, individualization, and globalisation, this book looks at the collaboration between architecture and fashion from various perspectives. It shows how designers... czytaj dalej

Ultrastructure of Mast Cells & Basophils
A. Dvorak Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Basophils and mast cells are similar but unique secretory cells which play a central role in inflammatory and immediate allergic reactions. In this book, the author reviews the ultrastructural studies of basophils... czytaj dalej

Lehrbuch der Embryologie der Haustiere
Imogen Russe,Fred Sinowatz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Dieses Lehrbuch umfasst die embryonale und fetale Entwicklung des Rindes, des Pferdes, des Schweines, der kleinen Wiederkäuer, des Hundes, der Katze und des Vogels. Die einzelnen Entwicklungsstadien von der... czytaj dalej

Indian Miniature Painting
A. Chakraverty Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The rich heritage of "Indian Miniature Paintings" has long been the delight of collectors, art historians and Indophiles. This book introduces the generally interested, but diffident, reader to the... czytaj dalej

Exam Success
D. McIlroy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'Sound advice for any student who wants to develop a systematic approach to their exam preparation, from motivation and confidence building to learning principles and memory techniques' - Careerscope, Autumn... czytaj dalej

God Has a Dream
Desmond Tutu Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Nobel Prize winner Tutu has long been admired throughout the world for the heroism and grace he presented while encouraging countless South Africans in their struggle for human rights. In his most soul-searching... czytaj dalej

Soviet Posters the Sergo Grigorian Collection
M. Lafont Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Contains Soviet propaganda posters which reveal historical documents and a sublime example of graphic art at its best. ... czytaj dalej