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Gulliver's Stories
Edward Dolch,Marguerite Dolch,Beulah Jackson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

These are the hilarious and incredible adventures of Gulliver, a man who finds himself first as a feared giant in a world of tiny people and then as a man of minuscule proportions in a country full of giants! ... czytaj dalej

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Workbook
Mirza Wydawnictwo: angielskie

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Workbook and Guide is a one stop resource for understanding and applying current International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and offers: Easy-to-understand... czytaj dalej

Six Sigma for Everyone
Eckes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A practical, straightforward guide to Six Sigma for employees in organizations contemplating or implementing Six SigmaFrom noted Six Sigma consultant and author George Eckes, Six Sigma for Everyone explains... czytaj dalej

SAP Foreign Currency Revaluation
Finke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"SAP Foreign Currency Revaluation-regulations, its impact, and what it takes to implement it in SAP-is a single handbook that simplifies a complex and daunting task of currency valuation for SAP and other... czytaj dalej

Customary International Humanitarian Law 3vols(t.1+t.2I/2II)
Henckaerts Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In 1996, the International Committee of the Red Cross, alongside a range of renowned experts, embarked upon a major international study into current state practice in international humanitarian law in order... czytaj dalej

New Kids on the Block
James Stevenson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

More than 100 humorous poems, profusely illustrated, about such strange creatures and people as the Gloopy Gloopers and Baloney Belly Billy. "An unerring choice of subjects close to the hearts of children."-Horn Book.... czytaj dalej

Bat 6
V. Wolff Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Bat 6 that's the softball game played every year between the sixth grade girls of Barlow and Bear Creek Ridge. All the girls - Beautiful Hair Hallie, Manzanita who gets the spirit, the twins Lola and Lila,... czytaj dalej

Magic Tree House #07 Sunset of the Sabertooth
M. Osborne Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This early chapter book series features a magical, book-filled tree house that transports two children back in time. "An entertaining blend of fact, farce and fantasy."-Booklist.... czytaj dalej

Ancient Near East v.3
R. Wallenfels Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah in the mid-800s B.C. 14 (34) Language Families of the Ancient Near East 48 (25) Price of Goods During the Old Babylonian Empire 73 (21) Mesopotamia 94 (65) Staff... czytaj dalej

To Sleep' Perchance to Dream
Ferdinando Scianna Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With this collection of photographs, interspersed with an anthology of quotations about sleeping and dreaming, Scianna takes us and himself on a journey inside a dimension of life that is natural and mysterious... czytaj dalej