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In this systematic and scathing attack on the dominant contemporary version of liberalism, John Kekes challenges political assumptions shared by the majority of people in Western societies. Egalitarianism,... czytaj dalej
Johnson examines twelve crises that motivated the evolution of Christianity. In his survey of Church history, he chronicles the story from the first century, and the birth and adolescence of Christianity, to... czytaj dalej
Smoking volcanoes, lush lowlands and over 600 islands rimmed with coral reefs support a marine biodiversity in Papua New Guinea (PNG) that is unequaled anywhere else in the world. The warm Solomon and Coral... czytaj dalej
Our book, Johnson: Women's Health Care Handbook, publishing in a new 2nd Edition in October, 1999, is one of the better-selling books in the burgeoning area of women's health care. Veet is a case scenarios... czytaj dalej
The Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture is a unique twenty-eight-volume series encompassing all of Scripture and offering contemporary readers the opportunity to study for themselves the key writings... czytaj dalej
Featuring over 300 large full-color illustrations, this comprehensive atlas shows how more than 150 disorders can disrupt the human body's equilibrium. It is designed to help healthcare professionals visualize... czytaj dalej
A clear straightforward introduction to light related skin diseases, their investigation, diagnosis and management, including the use of lasers. Each light sensitive disorder and each type of phototherapy is... czytaj dalej
Unique in its focus on this particular field of cardiovascular science, Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiac Hypertrophy and Failure reviews current knowledge of the mechanisms contributing to heart failure. Bringing... czytaj dalej
W 1921 roku Léonce Houx-Wardiougue założył fabrykę kosmetyków. Obecnie jego syn Aymard przejął stery interesów i próbuje stworzyć nowoczesne przedsiębiorstwo. Géraldo-Georges, syn Aymarda i wnuk Léonce?a, zajmuje... czytaj dalej
Aldona Gąsienica-Szostak jest muzykologiem rytmikiem. Zajmuje się zajęciową terapią muzyczną na oddziałach: okulistyki i ortopedii Kliniki Ortopedii i Rehabilitacji Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagielońskiego... czytaj dalej