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Secure Online Business
A. Jolly Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Web is an exciting but unstable place to do business. The potential rewards are high but so are the risks and the effective management of these risks "online" is likely to be the greatest business... czytaj dalej

Practical Cardiology
Eagle Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This concise yet comprehensive text provides practical information on the common cardiovascular problems that clinicians encounter daily. Using the current American Heart Association guidelines as a framework... czytaj dalej

Virilio Desert Screen
P. Virilio Wydawnictwo: inne

Desert Screen is a vision of future war, in which Paul Virilio identifies the Gulf War as a turningpoint in history, the last industrial and the first information war.... czytaj dalej

Jennifer Pastor The Perfect Ride
J. Tumlir Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Perfect Ride (1997-2002) is a major new three-part installation by Jennifer Pastor, who first received nationwide recognition in 1996 when her installation The Four Seasons (1992-96) was featured in solo... czytaj dalej

Blueprints Microbiology & Immunology
M. Gandhi Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Wondering how your microbiology course will relate to medical practice? Overwhelmed by the amount of reading necessary to cover the basics? Looking for a link between basic science and its clinical application... czytaj dalej

PM&R Secrets
O'Young,Young Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Secrets, a new addition to the extraordinarily popular "Secrets" series, includes questions asked on rounds, in the clinic, and at bedside. Basics of patient management... czytaj dalej

New England TSK 4e
Grant Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Discover the land of Pilgrims and Patriots! New England crams more history, scenery and outdoor adventure into six states than most countries. Walk the Freedom Trail, admire fall foliage, spot humpback whales... czytaj dalej

Pests of Fruit Crops
V. Alford Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A completely revised edition of this highly regarded book gives a systematic account of fruit and hop pests - their recognition, biology and control. The scope of the original book has been greatly expanded... czytaj dalej

WTO & Agriculture Critical Perspectives on the Global 2 vols
Anderson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In both regional and multilateral trade negotiations farm trade issues have been by far the most contentious and difficult to conclude. WTO rules for agricultural trade have yet to be brought into line with... czytaj dalej

EU Expansion to the East Prospects & Problems (PB)
H. Ingham Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This work discusses the potential enlargement of the EU to embrace the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the enormous challenges, opportunities and threats this poses for parties on both sides. Understanding... czytaj dalej