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Podstawy techniki. Podręcznik dla liceum profilowanego - profil rolniczo-spożywczy. Część 2.
Zbigniew Błaszkiewicz Wydawnictwo:

Podręcznik opracowano na podstawie programu nauczania liceum profilowanego - profil rolniczo-spożywczy dla bloku tematycznego "Podstawy techniki (nr dopuszczenia LP-RS/MENiS/2002.04.30). W podręczniku ujęto... czytaj dalej

Sadler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In the 1960s, the architects of Britain's Archigram group and Archigram magazine turned away from conventional architecture to propose cities that move and houses worn like suits of clothes. In drawings inspired... czytaj dalej

Genus Yersinia Entering the Functional Genomic Era
Skurnik Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Genus Yersinia: Entering the functional genomic era contains 96 timely chapters on different aspects. It summarizes work done both on genome-wide approaches and on detailed microbe-host interactions as... czytaj dalej

Globalizing Civic Engagement
J. Clark Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Until recently, most civil society organizations (CSOs) operated at national or local levels. However, new global organizations and networks are increasingly emerging. This book examines what CSOs can achieve... czytaj dalej

Wiley IFRS 2006 (book + CD)
R. Epstein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As International Financial Reporting Standards Committee gain widespread acceptance, the need to understand the new uniform standards increases. Wiley IFRS 2006 provides the tools for understanding those standards... czytaj dalej

Color Atlas of Neuroscience
Greenstein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Following in the tradition of the basic sciences Thieme Flexibooks, this title presents the anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology of neuroscience through colour charts juxtaposed to succinct texts. ... czytaj dalej

Tokujin Yoshioka Design
Niimi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Tokujin Yoshioka was born in Japan in 1967. He is one of the most important Japanese designers working today, and despite his age he has already worked in collaboration with renowned individuals such as Issey... czytaj dalej

Colour Dopper & 3D Ultrasound
Asim Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The aim of this book is to inform interested readers about the advantages of colour Doppler and three-dimensional ultrasound in gynaecology, infertility and obstetrics. With extensive use of possible applications... czytaj dalej

TRIPS Regime of Patent Rights
De Carvalho Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on TradeRelated Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) to a large extent incorporates and/or supersedes all previous international conventions on intellectual... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of History of American Management
Witzel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

How have business practices evolved into today's global economy? This new, compact resource presents an informative overview of key figures in the development of North American management, covering management... czytaj dalej