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Publikacja jest pierwsza na rynku monografia poświęcona problematyce uczestnictwa spółki kapitałowej w procesie karnym w charakterze pokrzywdzonego. Przedstawia analizę doniosłych praktycznie i dogmatycznie... czytaj dalej
Financial crises have become more frequent over the last two decades than they were previously. This book illuminates the fierce debate over how the monetary authorities should handle these crises by bringing... czytaj dalej
Our whole nation benefits from the preservation of natural habitats and their diversity of animal and plant species--yet small groups of private landowners often bear most of the costs of setting land aside... czytaj dalej
The book provides a detailed account of Norgate's life and many interests, his readership, and his technique. The editors -- a noted scholar of seventeenth-century art and an authority on the techniques and... czytaj dalej
This book deals with the most recent SIDS theories and research results, with contributions from many of the world's recognized experts in the field. Each chapter provides a concise summary of different facets... czytaj dalej
This is the first modern study in English of the life and thought of the ninth-century Byzantine theologian and monastic reformer, Theodore the Stoudite. Cholij analyses Theodore's letters and religious writings... czytaj dalej
This work illustrates the blood supply of the entire skeleton. A short introduction to each chapter or section emphasizes the clinical relevance of the blood flow for each part of the anatomy. It is intended... czytaj dalej
This text features adjustment techniques for all the standard examinations in conventional radiology, including contrast studies, with notes on carrying out CT and MRI. There is full image and textual information... czytaj dalej
Die Scheibenwelt ist nicht nur fantastisch, sie ist auch real: Dieses farbige Kompendium porträtiert die prominentesten Bewohner der Scheibenwelt. Mit dabei sind der sogenannte Zauberer Rincewind, alle Lieblingshexen... czytaj dalej