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This volume of work presents a collection of Europe's leading postwar poet, Paul Celan, including previously unpublished writings. Al poems appear in the original and in an English translation on facing pages. ... czytaj dalej
In this wonderful book, the famous scientist and best-selling author, Konrad Lorenz, 'the man who talked with animals', enlightens and entertains us with his illustrated account of the unique relationship between... czytaj dalej
Implicit Meanings was first published to great acclaim in 1975. It includes writings on the key themes which are associated with Mary Douglas' work and which have had a major influence on anthropological thought... czytaj dalej
The annual edition of Sweet and Maxwell's renowned guide to EC Competition Law has become the commonly recognised reference point for any practitioner's or academic's analysis of EC competition law issues.... czytaj dalej
When Amy's dad brings home a new ventriloquist dummy from a pawnshop she's thrilled. Even though Slappy's kind of ugly, at least his head stays on, unlike her last dummy. Amy has fun practicing a new routine... czytaj dalej
The sales manager's step-by-step guide to better team performance As an experienced sales manager, how do you improve your team's performance? Which selling skills, developed to their fullest potential, have... czytaj dalej
This 1867 landmark book represents the first systematic effort to collect and preserve the songs sung by the plantation slaves of the Old South. Most of the 130 songs, arranged by geographic area, were recorded... czytaj dalej
At Bagley Hall, a notoriously wild, but increasingly academic, independent, crammed with the children of the famous, trouble is afoot. The ambitious and fatally attractive headmaster, Hengist Brett-Taylor,... czytaj dalej
On April 15, 1947, young Jackie Robinson walked onto Ebbets Field as a Brooklyn Dodger. The first black man to play in the white major leagues, he had the courage to confront racism and fight for the rights... czytaj dalej
In this "Wall Street Journal" business bestseller the authors make a compelling case for the wisdom of focusing energy and resources on more targeted goals. By choosing the attribute on which to dominate... czytaj dalej