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Featuring 73 sharp, new images obtained with state-of-the-art scanning technology, the Second Edition of this popular pocket atlas is a quick, handy guide to interpreting computed tomography images of the brain... czytaj dalej
Benjamin A. Valentino finds that ethnic hatreds or discrimination, undemocratic systems of government, and dysfunctions in society play a much smaller role in mass killing and genocide than is commonly assumed... czytaj dalej
This is an alphabetical listing of over 22,000 of the most frequently used words in American English, each transcribed in an easy-to-learn set of International Phonetic Alphabet symbols.... czytaj dalej
Ur-Nammu was king of Ur in ancient Mesopotamia (southern Iraq) around 2000 BC. In 1925 a joint expedition from the University of Pennsylvania Museum and The British Museum discovered dozens of fragments of... czytaj dalej
The Blackwell Companion to Greek Tragedy provides readers with a fundamental grounding in Greek tragedy, and also introduces them to the various methodologies and the lively critical dialogue that characterize... czytaj dalej
In this intriguing ethnography of a large American high-tech corporation, Gideon Kunda offers a critical analysis of its much celebrated "corporate culture." In his extensive study of the company's... czytaj dalej
Ready for the adventure of a lifetime? Gape at the icebergs looming over your ship, stand awestruck in the midst of a teeming penguin colony, or glimpse a minke whale surfacing next to your Zodiac - Antarctica... czytaj dalej
"A superb book. It combines honesty, humour and inspiration to help people move ahead in life." #8212;Allan and Barbara Pease, authors of Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps "Powerful... czytaj dalej
Zeszyty Naukowe Dolnośląskiej Wyższej Szkoły Służb Publicznych ASESOR.Spis treściSłowo wstępne Dział I. Studia i artykułyRyszard BalickiKompetencje Prezydenta RP wobec ustawy uchwalonej przez parlament Paweł... czytaj dalej
Podręcznik zawiera niezbędne wiadomości o organizacji procesów i przedsięwzięć budowlanych.Kompleksowo omawia:- metody planowania budowy ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem metod sieciowych,- problematykę zagospodarowania... czytaj dalej