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Comprehensive study guides including key topics, chapter notes section, true/false and multiple choice questions with answer key, map evaluation exercises, and essay questions.... czytaj dalej
Corpora - large collections of written and/or spoken text stored and accessed electronically - provide the means of investigating language that is of growing importance academically and professionally. Corpora... czytaj dalej
When the guests of the Shangri-La Hotel are scared away by a white-haired female ghost, Dink and his friends investigate the mystery.... czytaj dalej
A decade on from its birth, emotional intelligence is attracting more attention than ever before. Why? Because of its proven connection to performance. Tomorrow#8217;s leaders will have to be facilitators who... czytaj dalej
The most important Soviet filmmaker after Sergei Eisenstein, Andrei Tarkovsky produced only seven films in his lifetime. Catapulted into international recognition in 1962 with his first feature, Ivan's Childhood... czytaj dalej
Covers the significant events, politics, government, economy, culture, social problems and reform, population, foreign policy, and everday lives of Americans during the nineteenth century... czytaj dalej
Villa Mairea is one of the finest houses of the twentieth century. For those familiar with it only from a few images, this book is a revelation. Aalto used his knowledge of vernacular building, Classicism and... czytaj dalej
This edition of the standard text for introductory physics courses taken by science and engineering students has been extensively revised, with new artwork and updated examples. A wide range of innovative pedagogical... czytaj dalej
In what circumstances is it legitimate to use force? How should force be used? These are two of the most crucial questions confronting world politics today. The Just War tradition provides a set of criteria... czytaj dalej
The story of the boy pharaoh and the discovery of his tomb and treasures vividly retold for young readers.Illustrations and hand-coloured photographs of real-life places, people and objects bring the story... czytaj dalej