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Police & Criminal Evidence Act 1984
Zander Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The fourth edition of this best-selling book provides full coverage of the law surrounding the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 as amended, and brings the work fully up-to-date with the latest 2003 PACE... czytaj dalej

Brady Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The student-friendly style of the book makes the content accessible without sacrificing either breadth or depth of coverage. The text's informal writing style, emphasis on problem solving, and state-of-the-art... czytaj dalej

Henry & Mudge & the Starry Night The Seventeenth Book
C. Rylant Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Henry has no brothers, sisters, or friends, but he does have a constant companion and protector in Mudge, a 180-pound dog. This is the first book in the series. ... czytaj dalej

EverWorld 11 Mystify the Magican
K. Applegate Wydawnictwo: brak danych

David, Christopher, April, Jalil and Senna managed to escape Neptunešs deadly clutches and have washed ashore...in Eire. Itšs ancient Ireland, complete with giants, leprechauns, a band of gods and goddesses... czytaj dalej

Fundamentals of Fluoroscopy
Doreen Houston,Davis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A volume in W.B. Saunders' best-selling Fundamentals of Radiology series, this compact resource equips readers to interpret fluoroscopic studies quickly and correctly! It offers thorough, hands-on guidance... czytaj dalej

Seeing Chekhov
M. Finkel Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Michael C. Finke explodes a century of critical truisms concerning Chekhov's objective eye and what being a physician gave him as a writer in a book that foregrounds the deeply subjective and self-reflexive... czytaj dalej

Human Rights Labor Rights & International Trade
Diamond Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Contributors to Human Rights, Labor Rights, and International Trade provide the first comprehensive view of labor rights in the international trade system and the avenues open to worker rights claims in the... czytaj dalej

M.A.K. Halliday Collected Works Studies
Halliday Wydawnictwo: inne

"Getting under the skin of a language" is an intriguing new work appearing in the seventh volume in this Collected Works of Professor M. A. K. Halliday, Studies in English Language. Topics covered... czytaj dalej

Complete ESL/EFL Cooperative & Communic Activity Book
S. Sloan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Complete ESL/EFL Cooperative and Communicative Activity Book is a black-line master collection of activities based on the concepts of cooperative learning. The learner-directed activities are ideal for... czytaj dalej

Mandalowy alfabet pisma anielskiego
Lidia Verona Wydawnictwo: Studio Astropsychologii

Lady Pank przekonuje nas, że Aniołowie, jeśli tylko są, kryją się w metalowych bunkrach. Nie jest to do końca prawda. Dzięki tej książce możesz zaprosić je bowiem do swego życia. Kontakt z nimi może nawiązać... czytaj dalej