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Poznać człowieka. Szkice z antropologii psychoanalizy.
Redakcja: Ilona Błocian, Robert Saciuk Wydawnictwo:

„Poznać człowieka” to bardzo interesujące, profesjonalnie opracowane pod względem naukowym studium o człowieku. Teksty, których trybem napędzającym jest psychoanaliza, bazują na dokonaniach takich... czytaj dalej

Stag Hunt
McGowan Wydawnictwo: inne

Twenty years after being tormented by a gang of boys, it's time to make them pay. But into the finely wrought net stumbles one man who had nothing to do with the evil in that school. Matthew Moriarty carries... czytaj dalej

New Dimensions in Body Psychotherapy
N. Totton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

There is currently an explosion of interest in the field of body psychotherapy. This is feeding back into psychotherapy and counselling in general, with many practitioners and trainees becoming interested in... czytaj dalej

International Human Resource Management
Dowling Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text focuses on the choices that confront multinational enterprises in human resource management and some factors to consider in making those choices... czytaj dalej

Life Cycle of Corporate Governance
I. Filatotchev Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'The range of articles here clearly goes beyond the limits normally encountered, adding also an international perspective not restricted to just the US, but encompassing Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Telemedicine
R. Wootton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Exploring all the major aspects of telemedicine, and explaining what telemedicine is and why it is growing in importance, this book gives an introduction to the rapidly developing field of telemedicine. Whatever... czytaj dalej

Walking in Ireland 2e
Sandra Bardwell,Helen Fairbairn,McCormack Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Gentle mountains, rugged ridges, wild moorlands, spectacular sea cliffs, remote islands, warm hospitality and the infamous Irish weather - all are part of the wonderful experience that is walking in Ireland... czytaj dalej

Hematologie und Internistischonkologische Zytologie
H. Hennemann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Die 'Haematologie' von Hennemann ist eine ausgewogwnw Synthese aus Lehrbuch und Atlas. Im Text werden zunaechst die Moeglischkeiten der sonographischen Diagnostik und der Punktionstechniken in der Haematologi... czytaj dalej

Harry Wolf
K. Frampton Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This catalogue presents, in chronological sequence, the built work since 1969 of the architect Harry Wolf (Charlotte North Carolina, 1935).... czytaj dalej

One Woman in War
Polcz Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Before the publication of this book, Alaine Polcz was widely recognized as a psychologist ministering to the needs of disturbed and incurably ill children and their families, as the author of numerous articles... czytaj dalej