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Stanley Webber is visited in his boarding-house by two strangers, Goldberg and McCann. An innocent-seeming birthday party for Stanley turns into a nightmare. ... czytaj dalej
As Christopher and his friends continue to survive in Everworld until they can find a way back to their own world, they find themselves witnessing the Hetwans preparing to defeat Greek lands and battling the... czytaj dalej
The archival collection has two parts. The first presents correspondence between the American economist, Alfred S. Eichner, and the English economist, Joan Robinson, and related documents. The correspondents... czytaj dalej
Habsburg Galicia was an area in central Europe covering territory presently occupied by Poland and Ukraine that was distinctive for its multi-ethnic character. With the unraveling of the Austro-Hungarian Empire... czytaj dalej
The purpose of the slide set is to show 5S learning group participants how the techniques of the five pillar system can be applied in real-life situations. This will help create excitement about the opportunities... czytaj dalej
Birthplace of Greek civilizations and playground of the gods, the Peloponnese offers a wealth of culture matched only by its spectacular landscape. Escape into the Greece of myths and legends with this essential... czytaj dalej
In the UK the received wisdom has tended to be that, historically, British labour law was abstentionist or non-interventionist, best epitomised by the words of Lord Wedderburn who has written that "collective... czytaj dalej
An extensive study of city planning in the Greek Archaic colonies (Sicily and Southern Italy) from Hippodamus and beyond. The author sets out to consider the legacy of the great planner and those projects he... czytaj dalej
W Bibliografii uwzględniamy teksty dotyczące historii i współczesności Niemiec oraz stosunków polsko-niemieckich z wielu dziedzin, przede wszystkim jednak nauk historycznych, społecznych i ekonomicznych. Nie... czytaj dalej
Profesor dr hab. Jacek Kolbuszewski urodził się 10 V 1938 r. w Poznaniu w rodzinie inteligenckiej jako syn Stanisława Kolbuszewskiego, podówczas profesora literatur słowiańskich na Państwowym Uniwersytecie... czytaj dalej