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Performance & Identity in the Classical World
Duncan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Performance and Identity in the Classical World traces attitudes towards actors in Greek and Roman culture as a means of understanding ancient conceptions of, and anxieties about, the self. Actors were often... czytaj dalej

Physics for Scientists & Engineers v. 2 Student Solutions
P. Tipler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The solutions manual for students provides answers to approximately 25 percent of the text's end of chapter problems, in the same format and with the same level of detail as the Worked Examples in the textbook... czytaj dalej

Wizard & the Warrior
L. Bolman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Wizard and the Warrior gives leaders the insight and courage they need to take risks on behalf of values they cherish and the people they guide. Great leaders must act both as wizard, calling on imagination... czytaj dalej

Autogenic Training
M. Sadigh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Sadigh (psychology, Cedar Crest College, Allentown, PA) argues that stress is intertwined with chronic pain and sleep deprivation, and that reducing stress must therefore be a large part of any treatment for... czytaj dalej

Development Cognitive Neuropsychology
Christina Temple Wydawnictwo: angielskie

How independent are different cognitive skills during development? Is the modularity seen in the studies of adult neuropsychology disorders mirrored by modularity in development? Are developmental neuropsychological... czytaj dalej

Diving & Snorkeling Guam & Yap 2e
T. Rock Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Dubbed the 'Hard Coral Capitals' of Micronesia, the islands of Guam, Rota and Yap offer a unique mix of underwater environments and topside cultural diversity. Go on an underwater history adventure exploring... czytaj dalej

Empire If You Can Keep In Power & Principle in American F
Thomas Magstadt Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A truly compelling, thought provoking, and relevant text for students of American foreign policy Drawing on the Bush administration's foreign policy maneuvering and the realities of a post-9/11 world, Thomas... czytaj dalej

We Have Capture
M. Stafford Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Tom Stafford was a leading player in US-Soviet space co-operation during the 1970s. He enjoyed a distinguished career as a test pilot and aerospace engineer, but he is best remembered as the astronaut who in... czytaj dalej

Global Leaders
Nirenberg Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Fast track route to mastering the art of global leadership Covers the key areas of global leadership, from defining the qualities that distinguish global leadership from conventional leadership and how a global... czytaj dalej

Vietnam Riverine Craft 1962-75
G. Rottman Wydawnictwo: Osprey Publishing Ltd.

In 1965 the military situation in the Mekong River Delta of southern Vietnam had deteriorated to such a degree that the decision was made to commit a joint US Army and Navy Mobile Riverine Force to the area... czytaj dalej