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Interest in interventional cardiology continues to explode. For trainees in internal medicine, cardiology, and interventional cardiology, there is currently no "gold standard " review of the key topics... czytaj dalej
Mycorrhizae are a type of fungus formed by the relationship between plant roots and soil, and there is a widespread agreement among botanists and soil scientists that mycorrhizae are beneficial to the health... czytaj dalej
Weaving together elegance, delicacy and femininity, Carolina Herrera has defined a graceful aesthetic that is all her own. Born into an aristocratic family, Herrera#8217;s fashion sensibilities developed at... czytaj dalej
Aimed at the professional photographer, this manual explains how to deal with the complications of shooting portraits on location. With the increase in demand for portraits which "say something" about... czytaj dalej
Cancer of the larynx or tongue are diagnoses that often cause fear and trepidation. This revised fourth edition is designed to make the challenges of the laryngectomee understandable and manageable. It educates... czytaj dalej
Dass strukturelle Veränderungen im Gehirn unser Verhalten beeinflussen, wissen wir seit langem. Aber: Wie verändern umgekehrt Schmerzerfahrungen, Kindheitstraumen, Ängste oder Depressionen unsere Hirnstruktur... czytaj dalej
Dumas cultivated a unique position within the world of figurative painting beginning withexpressive drawings of human figures -powerful figurative works that explore themes ofgender, identity, sexual and ethnic... czytaj dalej
You can't always decide where life will take you--especially when you're a kid. Carlie knows she's got no say in what happens to her. Stuck in a foster home with two other kids, Harvey and Thomas J, she's just... czytaj dalej
If neatness counts for you, don't count on Anne Rice's musical-ghost novel Violin. It is an eruption of the author's personal demons, as messy as the monster bursting from that poor fellow's chest in the movie... czytaj dalej
This book presents a number of existing essays as an assemblage of theory on interior design. The approach recognises the complexity of the term 'interior' as it describes spatial differentiation of physical... czytaj dalej