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"Krótka historia długiej drogi Stanisława Dziwisza z nieznanej światu Raby Wyżnej poprzez Rzym na tysiącletni tron biskupi w Krakowie. Wierni nie tylko archidiecezji krakowskiej, ale całej Polski, z nadzieją... czytaj dalej
Świadkowie: niepokorni, uparci, święci! Znamy ich dzieła, teraz możemy poznać ich życie. Dorothy Day: lewicowa dziennikarka, uczestniczka anarchistycznych demonstracji, która w młodości poddała się aborcji... czytaj dalej
From the very first day that they move to the Oddlode Valley, Mo, Diana and Anke find themselves on a relocation collision course. As inept removal men deliver furniture to the wrong houses, saucier moves are being made........ czytaj dalej
"Who Leads Whom?" is an ambitious study that addresses some of the most important questions in contemporary American politics: Do presidents pander to public opinion by backing popular policy measures... czytaj dalej
Is the history of life a series of accidents or a drama scripted by selfish genes? Is there an 'essential' human nature, determined at birth or in a distant evolutionary past? What should we conserve--species... czytaj dalej
The ideal of a neutral, objective press has proven in recent years to be just that - an ideal. In Governing with the News, Timothy E. Cook goes far beyond the single claim that the press is not impartial to... czytaj dalej
In this book, Yi Feng combines political and economic analyses to study the effects of political institutions on economic performance. Traditionally, political scientists disregard details of economic conditions... czytaj dalej
In Sarah Dunant's shocking and provocative new thriller "Transgressions, " the lines bleed between passion and violence, attraction and repulsion, pleasure and terror. Winner of England's prestigious... czytaj dalej
Few essays about the Holocaust are better known or more important than Primo Levi's reflections on what he called "the gray zone," a reality in which moral ambiguity and compromise were pronounced... czytaj dalej
The four magnificent Devonshire Tapestries housed at the Victoria and Albert Museum are the only great 15th-century tapestries to survive the ravages of time. This book is a celebration of them and offers a... czytaj dalej