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Victoria & Albert Museum's Textile Collection
D. King Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The third of a seven-volume series which provides an illustrated history of British textile design from the middle ages to the 1990s, showing highlights of the VA's collection of woven, printed and embroidered... czytaj dalej

Truth will Set You Free
A. Miller Wydawnictwo: angielskie

More than 20 years ago, a little known Swiss psychoanalayst wrote a book that changed the way many people viewed themselves and their world. In simple but powerful prose, the deeply moving "The Drama of... czytaj dalej

Model American
Grannan Wydawnictwo: inne

Katy Grannan's striking portraits capture the desire of her subjects to offer themselves up to the camera lens. Each of her well-known series - "Poughkeepsie Journal," "Dream America," and... czytaj dalej

Press Conference
H. Pinter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Press Conference" is a short sketch in an evening of Pinter pieces, which was produced at the National Theatre in February 2002. ... czytaj dalej

NMS Surgery
Bruce Jarrell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is a concise, outlined review of surgery. The USMLE format questions make it an excellent resource for exam preparation. It also helps students practice problem solving and critical thinking in surgery.... czytaj dalej

Searching for Mary Magdalene A Journey Through Art
J. Lahr Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Chasing down an enigma--the controversial Mary Magdalene--has recently become a national enthrallment due to books like Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. With the variety and quantity of magnificent paintings... czytaj dalej

Principles of Neurology
M. Victor Wydawnictwo: angielskie

You know it as the masterwork in its field. . . and now,you can own the newest,most up-to-date version of this classic text: Adams and Victor's PRINCIPLES OF NEUROLOGY,7th Edition. This remarkable volume now... czytaj dalej

GM Debate
Jones Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book tells the story of an unprecedented experiment in public participation: the government-sponsored debate on the possible commercialization of GM crops in the UK. Giving a unique and systematic account... czytaj dalej

Greek Gods
Bernard Evslin,Dorothy Evslin,Ned Hoopes Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An excellent introduction to mythology, this book includes a glossary, afterword, and bibliography.... czytaj dalej

Children's World Atlas
S. Turnbull Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Arranged by continent for easy reference.Satellite photos of the Earth's most dramatic landscapes.Includes a wide range of recommended websites.Bold modern maps, brightly coloured and clearly labelled.Each... czytaj dalej