As Billy continues his mysterious encounter with the ship's powerful core, known as Mother, he begins to form a strange connection with her. Mother has generated the Remants' surroundings and she is lonely...czytaj dalej
Caught in the bowels of their strange new world, Mo' Steel and Billy Weir encounter a lost Remnant, Kubric DiSalvo. But Kubric has been horribly changed. The ship has transformed him, replacing his skin with...czytaj dalej
The planet where the Eighty's ship landed isn't real. The Earth escapees are trapped in the computer-generated landscape of a ship, and when they discover a mysterious power node, they realize they may be able...czytaj dalej
A stranded group of humans on a strange planet begin to war against one another after a strange series of discoveries. ...czytaj dalej
This dark and gritty middle-grade science-fiction series begins in the year 2011, when the world is about to be destroyed. A handful of people board a revamped space shuttle and are placed into suspended animation...czytaj dalej
Finally, the answers to all the mysteries start to fall into place in the last volume of K.A. Applegatešs best-selling young adult series. David, April, Christopher, and Jalil will now learn the truth. ...czytaj dalej
David, Christopher, April, Jalil and Senna managed to escape Neptunešs deadly clutches and have washed Eire. Itšs ancient Ireland, complete with giants, leprechauns, a band of gods and goddesses...czytaj dalej
Trapped in an underwater city, David and company must try find their way to the surface. But how can they when the only thing keeping them alive is the tempermental Roman god of the sea, Neptune. Neptune has...czytaj dalej