Genshiken tom 7

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On a lunch break at the Genshiken, Madarame is minding his own business when in walks Angela, a blond, blue-eyed otaku unlike anyone he has ever seen. However, Angela seems to know all about him! It turns out that Angela and her pal Susie, old friends of Ohno’s, are visiting from the United States. Angela has a taste for hardcore doujinshi, and Sue can’t seem to stop quoting offensive lines from her favorite anime. In just two days, the American visitors manage to turn the Genshiken upside down. Can the club survive a visit from these ambassadors of otakudom without inciting an international incident?

Informacje dodatkowe o Genshiken tom 7:

Wydawnictwo: inne
Data wydania: 2006-10-31
Kategoria: Komiksy
ISBN: 0345491556
Liczba stron: 201
Tytuł oryginału: げんしけん 7
Język oryginału: japoński


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Genshiken tom 6
Shimoku Kio0
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Shimoku Kio0
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