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Changing Kids Games
D. Morris Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Helps physical education teachers plan, modify, present, and evaluate movement games for children of all abilities in grades K-8. Outlines step-by-step procedures for modifying games, shows how to involve others... czytaj dalej

International Review of Psychiatry v.2
F. Mak,C. Nadelson Wydawnictwo: inne

"International Review of Psychiatry", Volume 2, is the collaboration of American Psychiatric Press Inc. (APPI), and the worldwide network of eminent specialists of the World Psychiatric Association... czytaj dalej

Forensic Psychiatry
Scott Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This issue provides an in-depth look at some of the hot-button topics in law and psychiatry. Forensic Psychiatry is growing as a specialty area of interest, but this issue will be of interest not only to Forensic... czytaj dalej

Signal Transduction & Communication in Cancer Cells
H. Bradlow Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The mechanisms by which cancer gene variants work are still not understood, but recent progress toward that goal is presented in this volume. The relevance of genomics, genetics, and proteomics in the initiation... czytaj dalej

Healthcare Reform in America
M. Kronenfeld Wydawnictwo: inne

This is an authoritative look at the core issues of the health care debate in the United States, with a focus on reform of the system.... czytaj dalej

Robbins Basic Pathology
Kumar Wydawnictwo: brak danych

"Continues the tradition of the earlier [editions] with its well-written, comprehensive, and very up-to-date coverage...A welcome and much needed reassertion of the central importance of pathology."... czytaj dalej

Infectious Diseases in Critical Care
J. Rello Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Infections and their complications are a very important clinical area in the intensive care unit setting. Community-acquired infections and nosocomial infections both contribute to the high level of disease... czytaj dalej

Mosby's Comprehensive Pediatric Emergency Care
B. Aehlert Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This revised reprint is now updated to reflect the new 2005 emergency cardiovascular care guidelines. It is the first text to incorporate both prehospital and hospital management of pediatric emergencies. This... czytaj dalej

Mini Atlas of Histology
I. Singh Wydawnictwo: inne

Part of the Anshan Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series. The full series will develop into an outstanding resource for any medical library, and each individual title will be a great value-for-money addition to a... czytaj dalej

Niewydolność serca
Dubiel Jacek, Korewicki Jerzy, Grodzicki Tomasz (red.) Wydawnictwo: Via Medica

Dane z ostatnich lat świadczą o występowaniu ''epidemii'' niewydolności serca. Mimo istotnego postępu w terapii rokowanie w przypadku rozpoznania tej choroby jest bardzo niekorzystne, gdyż w zaawansowanej fazie... czytaj dalej