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Explains how to achieve and maintain one's ideal weight without dieting, offering tips on finding the best foods to suit individual needs, and includes two hundred recipes. ... czytaj dalej
This book, a successor to the highly popular Practical Guide to Polaroid Retinal Photography, describes the essential components of a retinopathy screening programme, including the criteria for referral to... czytaj dalej
The fourth edition of the highly acclaimed Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine provides an account of the fundamental changes associated with ageing, which are essential to our understanding and management... czytaj dalej
This is a practice-oriented textbook for primary care clinicians on managing hypertension. The book summarizes all available research evidence that clinicians need to care for hypertensive patients. It also... czytaj dalej
This edition has been thoroughly updated and revised with new photogra phs and illustrations, and addresses some of the current most controversial issues such as the role of the midwife and GP, the need for... czytaj dalej
This book covers the molecular and cellular aspects of cancer metastasis, and discusses the clinical aspect of micro- and macro-metastases, which result in the death of the majority of patients with cancer... czytaj dalej
This text includes recent literature on pineal research on reproduction, melatonin rhythm, carbohydrate metabolism and immunity. ... czytaj dalej
Książka jest kontynuacją wydań ukazujących się w poprzednich latach pod redakcją Witolda Sylwanowicza, Aleksandra Michajlika, Witolda Ramotowskiego. Obejmuje podstawowe wiadomości o budowie i czynnościach organizmu... czytaj dalej
'Complete Revision Notes for Medical Finals' presents the key concepts and facts that all medical students need to know by the end of their final year. If you know what is in this book then you will know enough... czytaj dalej
Pierwsza książka z serii WYKŁADY Z ANESTEZJOLOGII I INTENSYWNEJ TERAPII jest przeznaczona dla lekarzy anestezjologów i ginekologów położników. Obejmuje zagadnienia związane z szeroko pojomowaną anestezjologią... czytaj dalej