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The new 21st Edition of this classic textbook on clinical examination, first published in 1897, continues the tradition of combining the core knowledge of patient examination with the newer understanding brought... czytaj dalej
Metoda kardiografii impedancyjnej, którą stworzono i stosowano w badaniach układu krążenia w warunkach ekstremalnych (...) dynamicznie się rozwija i coraz częściej wykorzystuje się ją w różnych obszarach praktyki... czytaj dalej
This is an unbeatable package of 350 high quality USMLE-style questions. It provides an enhanced, 2-color layout, and highlights hi-yield margin notes and key points. It includes free access to the online content... czytaj dalej
The definitive text on gastrointestinal surgery has been revised to be more operative, technique-oriented, and efficiently organized This classic surgical reference has been updated to reflect a more operative... czytaj dalej
The phenomenon of hypnosis provides a rich paradigm for those seeking to understand the processes that underlie consciousness. Understanding hypnosis tells us about a basic human capacity for altered experiences... czytaj dalej
It is imperative that an ophthalmic practitioner like any medical professional, must have a fundamental knowledge of pharmacology and the drugs used in day-to-day practice. This book provides basic knowledge... czytaj dalej
W publikacji omówiono najważniejsze problemy praktyczne, jakie mogą się pojawić u pacjenta z zaburzeniami układu krążenia. Uwzględniono w niej specyfikę pracy w przychodni oraz realną dostępność metod diagnostycznych... czytaj dalej
Thoroughly updated to reflect the best current practices in stroke medicine, Handbook of Stroke, Second Edition is a user-friendly one-stop guide to the clinical management of patients with cerebrovascular... czytaj dalej
The worldwide epidemiology of rickettsial diseases, including veterinary rickettsiology, is the focus of this volume, which is the second volume resulting from the 4th International Conference on Rickettsiae... czytaj dalej
The study of dementia is gaining increasing importance around the world. With population growth and ageing societies, dementia and dementia care has an increasingly powerful effect emotionally and economically... czytaj dalej