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This beautifully illustrated and formatted book covers all of the established and developing indications for the use of color Doppler ultrasound in gynecology and obstetrics. In gynecology the modality is used... czytaj dalej
Rateitschak's extraordinary atlas, universally recognized as the pre-eminent work in periodontology, is back in a brand new edition! With an emphasis on the most rigorously documental scientific and clinical... czytaj dalej
Incomparable accuracy and clarity of Netter medical illustrations found in Netter#8217;s best-selling ATLAS OF HUMAN ANATOMY, Third Edition have now been #8220;super-sized#8221; for accelerated learning in... czytaj dalej
Known as the most comprehensive and up-to-date chronologically organized child development text in the market, Children engages students and prepares them to interact with children in a variety of contexts... czytaj dalej
The ultimate resource for USMLE Step 3 preparation!This addition to the best-selling medical review series supplies key information about the USMLE Step 3 exam, evaluates study tools, and reviews tested patient-management... czytaj dalej
This book/CD ROM package aims to present a systematic and comprehensive overview of the clinical semiology of epileptic seizures. It is ideal for the practising neurologistwho must recognise, diagnose and treat... czytaj dalej
Health psychology is a rapidly expanding discipline at the interface of psychology and clinical medicine. This important work collates international and interdisciplinary expertise to form a unique encyclopaedic... czytaj dalej
For 35 years, Thompson and Thompson Genetics in Medicine has been a favorite genetics textbook for medical students. This long-awaited sixth edition, now in a revised re-print, continues to provide a readable... czytaj dalej
Zdrowie w pigułce Kiedy nasze dzieci chorują, cierpimy bardziej niż one - szczególnie wtedy, gdy są jeszcze bardzo małe i nie rozumieją, po co ktoś robi im bolesne zastrzyki albo każe łykać niesmaczne syropy... czytaj dalej
Pijemy nieprzebadaną wodę, jemy tłuste potrawy, palimy, pijemy alkohol. Zwykle zdajemy sobie sprawę, że to nie pomaga naszemu zdrowiu, ale są też inne szkodliwe czynniki, których nawet nie podejrzewamy o takie... czytaj dalej