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Opthalmology 2e
Gerhard Lang Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Like its predecessor, the 2nd edition provides a concise, thorough and up-to-date introduction to the field of ophthalmology. Medical students on ophthalmology rotations, as well as beginning residents, will... czytaj dalej

Pocket Atlas of Nutrition
Biesalski Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With obesity and diabetes assuming alarming epidemic proportions, diet and nutrition are in the spotlight more than ever before. It has never been more important for health care professionals to be well informed... czytaj dalej

Chirality in Drug Research
E. Francotte Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Most pharmaceutically active compounds possess a chirality that greatly influences their pharmacological properties. Since all pharmaceutical products nowadays are produced in chirally pure form, this places... czytaj dalej

Allergy & Asthma in Modern Society
R. Crameri Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Allergic diseases and asthma constitute a growing health care problem with a marked socioeconomic impact, especially in industrialized countries. This book summarizes what is currently known about the mechanisms... czytaj dalej

Steroid Analysis In The Pharmaceutical Industry
S. Gorog Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Steroid Analysis in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Harmonal Steroids, Sterols, Vitamins D, Cardiac GlycosidesThis unique work describes the analytical chemistry of an important group of pharmaceutical compounds... czytaj dalej

Primary Prevention by Nutrition Intervention in Infancy
A. Lucas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The 57th Nestle Pediatric Nutrition Workshop assembled a panel of leading international scientists in order to assess and extend the current state of knowledge on the long-term effects of early nutrition. Prevention... czytaj dalej

Revolucion Diabetica del Dr Atkins
R. Atkins Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Las estadísticas son asombrosas. Trece millones de americanos han sigo diagnosticados con diabetes tipo 2, y otros 5.2 millones ni si-quiera saben que la tienen. Durante los últimos treinta ańos, los casos... czytaj dalej

Current Pain Diagnosis & Treatment
von Roenn Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Current Pain DT will represent the first clinical and truly management oriented book on pain medicine. It will cover with equal breadth and depth the management of the full array of both acute and chronic pain... czytaj dalej

Current Diagnosis & Treatment In Infectious Diseases
Walter Wilson,Merle Sande Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Internationally renowned infectious disease experts offer guidance in recognizing, diagnosing, treating, and preventing one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Clinically focused and comprehensive, the... czytaj dalej

Wiliam's Manual of Obsteric
Keneth Leveno Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Provides clinicians with a pocket-sized distillation of key facts and diagnostic and treatment protocols from the authoritative Williams Obstetrics, 21st Edition. This portable reference, includes selected... czytaj dalej