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Gintama tom 16
Hideaki Sorachi Wydawnictwo: inne

The samurai didn't stand a chance. First, the aliens invaded Japan. Next, they took all the jobs. And then they confiscated everyone's swords. So what does a hotheaded former samurai like Sakata "Gin" Gintoki... czytaj dalej

Trigun Maximum tom 10
Yasuhiro Nightow Wydawnictwo: inne

If ever there was an intense volume of Trigun, "Wolfwood" would at least be its equal. Since the day Vash spotted his decimated soul in the middle of the desert, Nicholas Wolfwood has become a favorite of fans... czytaj dalej

Real tom 6
Takehiko Inoue Wydawnictwo: inne

Takahashi has an awkward reunion with his father, who has been absent from his life for the past eight years. As father and son struggle with the difficulties of Takahashi's adjustment to life in a wheelchair... czytaj dalej

Beck tom 28
Harold Sakuishi Wydawnictwo: inne

The band members accidentally get themselves booked on their first American tour, but Ryusuke has disappeared! Jet-lagged, exhausted and unable to get in a groove without Ryusuke, Beck's first American tour... czytaj dalej

xxxHolic tom 17
CLAMP Wydawnictwo: inne

Watanuki no longer leaves the wish-granting shop he inherited from the witch Yûko. What’s more, he must help everyone who walks through its doors—even the monster that ate his eye! How can... czytaj dalej

Renai Sousa tom 1
Ai Hasukawa Wydawnictwo: inne

Okumura Takashi hires Yamashiro Kei, an interior designer, to fix up his flat, but Yamashiro knows that Okumura did that only to play with him. He decides to accept Okumura's challenge, both in redecorating... czytaj dalej

The Prince of Tennis tom 16
Takeshi Konomi Wydawnictwo: inne

Takashi Kawamura battles the mysterious Kabaji of Hyotei Academy. Taka unleashes a brutal two-handed "Hadokyu" (wave surge shot), which Kabaji dishes right back. Unbeknownst to Taka, Kabaji's special talent... czytaj dalej

Otogi Zoshi tom 2
Narumi Seto Wydawnictwo: inne

Seimei gives Karako an ultimatum: He must decide between his own life and Raikou's. Worse, Karako loses everyone's trust when his confusion hits an all-time high...so high that he goes on a vicious onslaught... czytaj dalej

Otogimoyou Ayanishiki tom 2
Hikawa Kyouko Wydawnictwo: inne

Mija dziesięć lat. Suzu jako młoda kobieta wyrusza do Świątyni Nao. Po drodze spotyka ludzi atakowanych przez demona. Próbując pomóc, dziewczyna sama zostaje zaatakowana. Myśli, że zginie niechybnie, jednak... czytaj dalej

Gintama tom 15
Hideaki Sorachi Wydawnictwo: inne

The samurai didn't stand a chance. First, the aliens invaded Japan. Next, they took all the jobs. And then they confiscated everyone's swords. So what does a hotheaded former samurai like Sakata "Gin" Gintoki... czytaj dalej