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Samurai Deeper Kyo tom 20
Akimine Kamijyo Wydawnictwo: inne

Benitora and Taihaku face off at the Fourth Gate--Benitora's dedication to protecting his friends just might give him the edge he needs to kill Taihaku. But when Taihaku gives a devastating revelation to Yuya... czytaj dalej

Balsamista 4
Mitsukazu Mihara Wydawnictwo: HANAMI Tom 4 cyklu: Balsamista

Śmierć przychodzi nieoczekiwanie i zawsze wybiera nieodpowiedni moment. Zabiera to, co najcenniejsze, pozostawiając po sobie smutek oraz rozpacz. Niszczy cudowne plany na przyszłość, niweczy marzenia i odbiera... czytaj dalej

Ultimate Fantastic Four tom 2. Doom
Warren Ellis, Stuart Immonen, Wade Von Grawbadger, Dave Stewart, Chris Eliopoulos Wydawnictwo: inne

After a bizarre experiment unexpectedly imbued them with extraordinary powers, high-school genius Reed Richards and his fellow adventurers must learn to adapt to their amazing new situation. But before they... czytaj dalej

Nana tom 13
Ai Yazawa Wydawnictwo: inne

Hachi hasn't seen Nana or the rest of Blast since she moved in with Takumi, and Shin and Reira's joint birthday party seems like the perfect chance for a little reunion. But Takumi is furious at Hachi for crashing... czytaj dalej

Nodame Cantabile tom 15
Tomoko Ninomiya Wydawnictwo: inne

Summer is supposed to be a time for relaxation, but life-changing events are in store for Nodame and her friends. She’s about to play her very first recital–at the château of a Mozart-obsessed,... czytaj dalej

Ouran High School Host Club tom 11
Bisco Hatori Wydawnictwo: inne

Ever since the day he helped her up after a nasty tumble, Black Magic Club member Reiko Kanazuki has been obsessed with Hunny. She is devoting all her knowledge of the dark arts to curse him and steal his soul... czytaj dalej

The Prince of Tennis tom 28
Takeshi Konomi Wydawnictwo: inne

After Tokyo is chosen as the site for the upcoming Nationals, Hyotei gets a shot at redemption by being given an invitational berth in the tournament. Meanwhile, a prodigy from Kansai is making his way... czytaj dalej

Katekyo Hitman Reborn! tom 22
Akira Amano Wydawnictwo: inne

The Power of the Rings Tsuna and his friends have been thrust ten years into the future, where all is decidedly not well. Their only hope of survival seems to lie with Lal Mirch, one-time associate of Tsuna's father Iemitsu.... czytaj dalej

Toriko tom 1
Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro Wydawnictwo: inne

Po świecie, w którym smak i prezentacja jedzenia odgrywają ogromną rolę, kroczy mężczyzna o imieniu Toriko, kalający się pracą łowcy cennych składników. Ów myśliwy jest regularnie zatrudniany przez liczne restauracje... czytaj dalej

DVD tom 5
Kye Young Chon Wydawnictwo: inne

DD and Venus find Sajang and confront Ddam. Sajang begs Ddam to come back to him, but Ddam is cold as ice. Sajang realizes how much he hurt Ddam and apologizes. Ddam doesn't forgive him and runs to find Venu.... czytaj dalej