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The first designer to appropriate a city - New York - as her own, Donna Karan has come to symbolize casual elegance. The journey of a woman: 20 years of Donna Karan celebrates her career, her vision, her life... czytaj dalej
Winner of the 1984 Pulitzer Prize, David Mamet's scalding comedy is about small-time, cutthroat real esate salesmen trying to grind out a living by pushing plots of land on reluctant buyers in a never-ending... czytaj dalej
"Jacek Malczewski":Przewodnik po życiu i twórczości jednego z najpopularniejszych polskich malarzy, mistrza symbolizmu. Jego obrazy do dziś intrygują oryginalnością tematyki i zaskakującą poetyką... czytaj dalej
How did the extensive cultural exchange between the Old and New Worlds that took place during the sixteenth century affect artistic practice and discussions of art at that time? In this book distinguished Renaissance... czytaj dalej
In this publication, attention is devoted to the technical aspects in the work of Hans Vredeman de Vries. Throughout his long career, he has perfected his skills as a painter, architect, fortification engineer... czytaj dalej
Presenting a wide range of images embodying the themes of reduction and of clarity through austerity, Minimum draws inspiration from the same sources that have shaped the designs and ideas of objects and buildings... czytaj dalej
Wydana po polsku książka autorstwa F.X. Feeneya powstała na podstawie pełnego archiwum filmowego Romana Polańskiego. Opublikowana w serii "Wielkich reżyserów" przybliża jego postać, jako reżysera... czytaj dalej
Ferdynand Ruszczyc - Dyrektor Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie: "W zasadzie wstęp do tego (czy jakiegokolwiek innego) zbioru prac Zbigniewa Jujki nie jest potrzebny, bo to ani Artysty przedstawiać, ani tłumaczyć... czytaj dalej
THE BOOK. Any questions you have about 2D or 3D animation in this new digital age are answered in this comprehensive guide for all budding digital animators, games artists and media production students. It... czytaj dalej
Over the last thirty years, Candida Hofer has created meticulously composed images of the interiors of public and institutional spaces - spaces marked with the richness of human activity, yet largely devoid... czytaj dalej