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Ryzyko prawne w dzialalność banków
Piotr Bodył Szymala Wydawnictwo:

Piotr Bodył Szymala jest wykładowcą w Wyższej Szkole Bankowej w Poznaniu, radcą prawnym - koordynatorem w Banku Zachodnim WBK S.A. we Wrocławiu. Opublikował ok. 30 artykułów naukowych lub popularnonaukowych... czytaj dalej

Neither Brain Nor Ghost
T. Rockwell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A rejection of both dualism and the mind-brain identity theory, arguing that the mind is best understood as a "behavioural field" that fluctuates within the brain/body/world nexus. In this highly... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Accounting
Black Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Introduction to Accounting and Finance is ideal for business and accounting students at undergraduate and postgraduate level.  This book offers an accessible introduction to accounting, ensuring that the student's... czytaj dalej

Art and Autoradiography
Ainsworth Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A handbook on the conservation of works of art in a museum environment. ... czytaj dalej

Star Wars Trilogy
G. Lucas Wydawnictwo: inne

For the first time, here is a Special Omnibus Edition of the complete texts of the three novels that tell the complete story of everyone's favorite adventure--The Star Wars Trilogy. Including: STAR WARS, THE... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Econometrics
J. Stock Wydawnictwo: inne

Designed for a first course in introductory econometrics, Introduction to Econometrics, reflects modern theory and practice, with interesting applications that motivate and match up with the theory to ensure... czytaj dalej

Molecular Approaches to Soil Rhizosphere & Plant Microorg
Cooper Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Using contributions by international researchers, this book analyses the molecular methods used for studying microorganisms that occur in the soil or that are associated with plants, at the community, population... czytaj dalej

Australian Essential Evidence
C. Ying Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The purpose of this book is to provide a clear and concise guide to the key elements of Essential Evidence. The books in the Cavendish Essential series are intended as a helpful revision aid for the law student... czytaj dalej

Whole Genome Amplification
S. Hughes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Genetic research is often hampered by a shortage of genomic DNA, particularly for high-throughput assays or when minute specimens or individual cells are being investigated. However, such problems can be overcome... czytaj dalej