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Investments is a mainstream, mid-level text for the first undergraduate course. Reilly and Norton cover the major topics logically and concisely, providing a strong base for those who want to do advanced work... czytaj dalej
These short stories cover almost 3 decades. The collection includes prize-winning stories such as "Innocence", "Largely an Oral History of My Mother", "His Son" and "Verona:... czytaj dalej
The citizens of Holt, Colorado, return in Kent Haruf's follow-up to his bestselling 1999 novel, PLAINSONG. His characters' problems are myriad: poverty, ignorance, schoolyard bullies, dying elders. But in American... czytaj dalej
A brilliant new collection of four stories about this favourite character - one of the few new characters to have emerged in recent years for this age group. Wickedly subversive, hilariously funny and bang... czytaj dalej
"Keeping abreast of latest fashions and new techniques is only part of the formula for success. This book focuses on communication: an aspect of a successful business that has never been identified, addressed... czytaj dalej
Getting the most out of your travels means staying healthy. Healthy Travel Africa is a user-friendly guide to minimising health risks for travellers to all parts of Africa, including Egypt.Written by Dr Isabelle... czytaj dalej
This essential guide steers you along 42 of Cuba's best cycling routes: climb the weirdest mountains this side of China, see ancient cave paintings on a pristine beach, or do a day trip on Havana's historic... czytaj dalej
This accordion-fold booklet contains a series of analytical views of the Arabian coast of the Persian Gulf by AMO-OMA and colleagues from the American University of Sharjah, UAE. In a "futurized present... czytaj dalej
Voll im BildeDie Magie von Holy Wood zieht alle an: Trolle, Zwerge, Zimmermänner, Zügelhalter, Wunderhunde und ehemalige Würstchenverkäufer. Aber dann sind da noch Victor Tugelbend, der abgebrochene Zaubereistudent... czytaj dalej
This series combines exciting and witty stories with text written for the beginner reader.... czytaj dalej