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Beginning Database Design
G. Powell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The perfect reference for programmers, administrators, or Web designers who are new to database development and are uncertain as to how to design and structure a database efficiently Shows how to design and... czytaj dalej

Gale Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes v 3
Sharon Malinowski Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This new set offers students and researchers thorough, objective and systematic essays on the history, culture and current status of all federally recognized Native American groups -- approximately 400 in all... czytaj dalej

Vietnam Plays v.2 Streamers & the Orphan
D. Rabe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this volume, Streamers, the story of a group of paratroopers desperately attempting to cope with the chaos of their emotions when they are ordered to Vietnam, is paired with The Orphan, a brilliant synthesis... czytaj dalej

Clinician's Guide to Neuropsychological Assessment
Vanderpoleg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Neuropsychological assessment is a difficult and complicated process. Often experienced clinicians as well as trainees and students gloss over fundamental problems or fail to consider potential sources of error... czytaj dalej

Frank Lloyd Wright v.5
B. Pfeiffer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In the early fifties, he is honored both nationally and internationally with a large retrospective exhibition of his work that travels throughout Europe, displaying his unquestioned brilliance in one prestigious... czytaj dalej

International Trade & Policies for Genetically Modified Prod
R. Evenson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

There are a number of controversial issues that surround agricultural biotechnology and genetically modified products. International trade and policies are at the forefront of these controversies. This book... czytaj dalej

Drilling Technology in Nontechnical Language
S. Devereux Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Devereux introduces you to both onshore and offshore drilling operations and technology by covering the entire drilling process from basic geology to drilling operations. Contents: Drilling geology Oil and... czytaj dalej

Motor Learning & Performance 2e
R. Schmidt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This problem-based learning approach challenges students to develop the ability to think critically, helping them not only to understand the process of skill performance, but also to gain the ability to select... czytaj dalej

Web Application Design Handbook
Fowler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Web Application Design Handbook describes the essential widgets and development tools that will the lead to the right design solutions for your Web application. Written by designers who have made significant... czytaj dalej

Continual Improvement with ISO 14000
L. Piper Wydawnictwo: angielskie

ISO 14000 series is a set of standards with the aim to assist organizations and companies to build and carry on structured and systematic environmental improvements for continual improvement of its environmental... czytaj dalej