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After studying architecture at Cornell University, Matta-Clark developed more interest in buildings about to be destroyed than in the ones about to be built, as most architects would. He first forced his way... czytaj dalej
Die Behandlung der Leguminosen in der Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen wird mit Band XIb-1 fortgesetzt. In ihm werden die von den Caesalpinioideae und Mimosoideae bekannt gewordenen Naturstoffe im Rahmen der natürlichen... czytaj dalej
This book is an authoritative, concise reference, prepared by 126 authors from 22 countries. The book contains approximately 800 colour photographs, numerous MRIs, ultrasound images, CT scans, charts and approximately... czytaj dalej
This is an authoritative, concise reference, prepared by 147 authors from 28 countries. It contains more than 800 colour photographs, numerous MRIs, ultrasound images, CT scans, charts and approximately 2000... czytaj dalej
This guide to Cambridge and East Anglia includes a chapter detailing Cambridge and East Anglia's history and culture, eight tours and excursions taking in sights ranging from Cambridge's King's College to the... czytaj dalej
Using a series of case presentations with actual patients, this video cassette demonstrates in the detail the diagnosis and evaluation of common movement disorders. The continuous narrative highlights the most... czytaj dalej
Sofia Petrovna is Lydia Chukovskaya's fictional account of the Great Purge. Her eponymous heroine is a Soviet Everywoman, a doctor's widow who works as a typist in a Leningrad publishing house.... czytaj dalej
This second edition of Macmillan Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes is fully-updated and revised edition of the 1994 Native American Tribes of North America. It is a superb reference of Native American... czytaj dalej
In March 1814, Admiral Sir Richard Bolitho returns to England from several months on the North American coast. The news of Napolean's defeat and abdication has stunned a navy and a nation bled by years of European conflict. ... czytaj dalej
In 1941, Irčne Némirovsky sat down to write a book that would convey the magnitude of what she was living through, not in terms of battles and politicians, but by evoking the domestic lives and personal trials... czytaj dalej