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Roland, der alte König von Delain, wird hinterhältig ermordet. Peter, sein Sohn und Thronfolger, soll lebenslang im Kerker schmachten. Der grausame Magier Flagg hält nun die Fäden in der Hand. Wer vermag seinem... czytaj dalej
The phenomenal growth and development of the fields of neuroscience and neuropsycho-pharmacology over the past 20 years has produced an explosion of new information which has led to a better understanding and... czytaj dalej
While many consider the World Trade Organization to be a major contributor to growth in world income, others view it with suspicion and even animosity. This text provides an overview of the key issues for negotiation... czytaj dalej
This twenty-second edition of Annual Editions: Comparative Politics covers the current state of politics in Western Europe, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy and Japan; factors in the political process... czytaj dalej
Set in 1968 in the Parisian suburbs, No Telling is narrated by twelve-year-old Gilles as he approaches his Solemn Communion, puberty, and some sense of the chaos around him. His home is deeply dysfunctional:... czytaj dalej
On 11th January, 1947 in Los Angeles, a beautiful young woman walked into the night and met her horrific destiny. Five days later, her tortured body was found drained of blood and cut in half. The newspapers... czytaj dalej
Continuing the inspiring story begun in his first book, Every Second Counts captures the mind-set of a man who has beaten incredible odds and considers each day an opportunity for excellence.Armstrong's previous... czytaj dalej
There is much intense interest in North Korea at present. This partly arises from questions about Korea's nuclear capability and intentions, and about the extent to which North Korea may be viewed as 'a rogue... czytaj dalej
Then He Kissed Me, He's A Rebel, Chains, Stop! In the Name of Love all these songs capture the spirit of an era and an image of "girlhood" in post-World War II America that still reverberates today... czytaj dalej
Experts from the USA, Europe and Japan deliver a succinct, up-to-the minute, comprehensive and informative text that focuses on organ systems rather than individual mycoses. Introductory chapters provide perspectives... czytaj dalej