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Lektury gimnazjum A - Z. Klasa 1- 3
Teresa Nowacka Wydawnictwo:

Książka zawiera wszystko to, co jest wymagane od uczniów klas I-III gimnazjum. Jest ona przydatna zarówno do nauki w ciągu roku szkolnego jak i podczas przygotowywania się do egzaminu końcowego w klasie III... czytaj dalej

Principles of Marketing
Stephen Pettitt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Principles of Marketing is widely recognised as a comprehensive, user-friendly introduction to the study of marketing. All the key topics in marketing are covered providing a detailed, student-friendly and... czytaj dalej

Law for the Lion
B. Garza Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'Esto no es cosa de armas' (this is not a matter for weapons). These were the last words of Don Francisco Gutierrez before Alonzo W. Allee shot and killed him and his son, Manuel Gutierrez. What began as a... czytaj dalej

Ingenious Pain
Miller Wydawnictwo: inne

A dazzling first novel set in 18th-century England and Russia, about the rise, fall and redemption of a man born without the capacity to feel pain. In a wonderfully evocative and exciting style, Andrew Miller... czytaj dalej

Netter Anatomy Chart Skeletal System
Netter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Incomparable accuracy and clarity of Netter medical illustrations found in Netter#8217;s best-selling ATLAS OF HUMAN ANATOMY, Third Edition have now been #8220;super-sized#8221; for accelerated learning in... czytaj dalej

You Are Here
J. Jerde Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This monograph examines the work of Jon Jerde and the Jerde Partnership. It looks at the partnership's most significant built and unbuilt projects to illustrate the architect's evolution from shopping centre... czytaj dalej

V. Roggenkamp Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Die 13-jährige Fania Schiefer, Ich-Erzählerin des Romans, gleicht einem hochempfindlichen Sensor für sämtliche Störfelder, die an sie von außerhalb herangetragen werden. Vordergründig gleicht das Leben in der... czytaj dalej

Central Eurasian Water Crisis
Kobori,Glantz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Central Eurasian Water Crisis" refers to the awareness by the global community that, in the 21st century, people in various regions around the world will likely face problems of water quality and... czytaj dalej

Lagoons & Coastal Wetlands in the Global
P. Viaroli Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This interdisciplinary volume comprehensively reviews recent developments in wetland science and global change. The aim is to identify gaps, problems and successes in the integration of scientific issues into... czytaj dalej