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We hear constantly about our current "information revolution." Twenty-four-hour news channels and dizzying Internet technologies bombard us with facts and pictures from around the globe. But what... czytaj dalej
One of the most important financial issues in the 21st Century will be the harmonisation of the accounting rules companies must follow. Corporate Financial Accounting and Reporting recognises the increasingly... czytaj dalej
When the Nazis decided to liquidate the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943, five hundred young Jewish fighters within the Ghetto rose up to defy them. With no weapons, no influence, and no experience in warfare, they managed... czytaj dalej
PRIMARY CARE MANAGEMENT OF HEART DISEASE provides a practical approach to common cardiovascular problems. It begins with a brief section on the basics of a cardiovascular exam, diagnostic and laboratory methods... czytaj dalej
Both an introduction to John Constable's life and a companion to the Victoria and Albert Museum's collection, this book ranges from his early years at the Royal Academy, through his relationship with fellow... czytaj dalej
This new systems-based atlas of human physiology adds a concise, mechanistic and conceptual description to each Netter illustration - 300 in all.... czytaj dalej
As occasion to celebrate, when Desmond and Deirdre Doyle must gather family and friends around them in remembrance of the twenty-five years of marriage they've shared. A moment of reckoning as an uneasy... czytaj dalej
Plutarch (Plutarchus), ca. AD 45#150;120, was born at Chaeronea in Boeotia in central Greece, studied philosophy at Athens, and, after coming to Rome as a teacher in philosophy, was given consular rank by... czytaj dalej
Pewna kurka z pewnej wioskiDo święconki poszła z ranka,Lecz nim doszła do kościoła,Trrrach! Rozpadła się pisanka... czytaj dalej
Przyjacielski pies Clifford, wielki ulubieniec dzieci na całym świecie właśnie skończył 40 lat! Prezentowane nowe tytuły są głównie przeznaczone dla najmłodszych czytelników, którzy bawiąc się z Wielkim Czerwonym... czytaj dalej