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Social Psychology
W. Stainton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This introductory social psychology textbook is unique. It acknowledges the two very different approaches being taken to social psychology ż experimental and critical ż and presents them together in a single... czytaj dalej

Electrostatics 2003
Morgan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The eleventh International Conference on Electrostatics, organised by the Electrostatics Group of the Institute of Physics was held at Heriot-Watt University, 23-27 March 2003. The conference was held in conjunction... czytaj dalej

IRAQ Sanctions & Wars
A. Pasha Wydawnictwo: angielskie

On the banks of Tigris and Euphrates rivers famous ancient civilisations flourished. In this area, modern Iraq was created by Britain but was virtually kept in a land-locked position. Successive Iraqi rulers... czytaj dalej

T. Morrison Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Toni Morrison writes about a group of African Americans who found a community in Oklahoma called Ruby. When the outside world threatens the peace of the community, five women whose lives are particularly troubled... czytaj dalej

Genes VIII
B. Lewin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For courses in Molecular Biology, Molecular Genetics, and Gene Regulation. Two decades ago Benjamin Lewin's Genes revolutionized the teaching of molecular biology and molecular genetics by introducing a unified... czytaj dalej

Food in the Social Order
M. Douglas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

First published in 1984, This work is a cross-cultural study of the moral and social meaning of food. It is a collection of articles by Douglas and her colleagues covering the food system of the Oglala Sioux... czytaj dalej

Theodor W. Adorno 4 Vols
S. Jarvis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Theodor Adorno was a German philosopher, sociologist and musicologist and was a leading member and eventually director of the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research. Adorno studied an extraordinary range of... czytaj dalej

Franz Liszt v.2 Weimar Years 1848-1861
Alan Walker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The second part of a three volume biography, which covers the middle period of Liszt's life when he took charge of the orchestra and Opera House at Weimar. At this time he wrote many of his greatest works,... czytaj dalej

Havana Room
Colin Harrison Wydawnictwo: inne

Bill Wyeth is a successful attorney in his late thirties with a beautiful wife and son. Some would say he has it all, but, by the merest of chances, one day he loses everything: family, job, status. Unmoored... czytaj dalej

Systematic Process Improvement Using ISO 9001:2000 & CMMI
Mutafelija,L. Stromberg Wydawnictwo: inne

ISO 9001 is known throughout the world as the gold standard for quality process improvement, but quality assurances experts are also discovering the power of CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration). This... czytaj dalej