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Challenes in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
D. Jewell,N. Mortensen Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Challenges in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), is a book for gastroenterologists, surgeons and for trainees who know the tried and tested information, but now want to know about the areas of controversy in... czytaj dalej

Rene Burri Photographs
Michael Koetzle Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Known the world over for his iconic images of Che Guevara and Brasília, René Burri is one of the world's greatest living photographers. Now, for the first time ever and featuring many never before published... czytaj dalej

Late Paintings 1981-1988
W. de Koonig Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Dutch-American painter Willem de Kooning was a first generation Abstract Expressionist. Starting as an "angry young man" in the 1930s, he is best known for his Women series#8212;a subject he pursued... czytaj dalej

Vintage Stuff
Tom Sharpe Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Vintage Stuff is a hilarious classic from the best-selling writer, Tom Sharpe.When Peregrine Clyde-Brown is sent to Groxbourne school by his father, he is in a for a surprise. Peregrine does very well at his... czytaj dalej

Innovation Diffusion in the New Economy
Miller Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book gives an overview of the theories of Tacit Knowledge and explains how this relates to a background of philosophical, neurological and pedagogic literature. The authors explain the importance of Tacit... czytaj dalej

War Peace & International Relations
Gray Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This new volume explores the theory and practice of war and peace in modern historical context.  In fourteen clear and concise chapters, this book hits the high and low points of international politics over... czytaj dalej

Surfactants & Interfacial Phenomena
M. Rosen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The premier text on the properties and applications of surfactants--now fully revised and updated The past decade has seen significant developments in surfactant chemistry: the emergence of gemini surfactants... czytaj dalej

Training Speed Agility & Quicknes
Brown Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Gain an extra step on the competition! Build the speed, quickness, balance, and agility that are crucial to sport performance.Edited by three strength and conditioning experts, Training for Speed, Agility,... czytaj dalej

Gender of Rosalind
J. Kott Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The title essay in The Gender of Rosalind offers a snapshot of Kott's current thinking as it traces the complexities within -- and implied by -- As You Like It's major female character. In Head for Maidenhead... czytaj dalej

Risks & Legal Theory
Steele Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In almost every field of law, from tort and contract to environmental law and criminal justice, issues about 'risk' are increasingly of interest to lawyers. At the same time, there has been little general enquiry... czytaj dalej