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A major dilemma for businesses has been the struggle to understand how to adopt and implement proactive environmental practices while meeting the core business objectives of growth and competitive advantage... czytaj dalej
This book reviews soil biodiversity and related ecological processes in one of the key biodiversity hotspots of the world, the Amazon, and nearby regions of Brazil. It covers both the tropical savannah and... czytaj dalej
Publication of the results of various studies into the use of HRT has resulted in increasing interest in the use of alternatives to hormone replacement therapy. This book includes up to date evidence on the... czytaj dalej
Current biological research demands the extensive use of sophisticated mathematical methods and computer-aided analysis of experiments and data. This highly interdisciplinary volume focuses on structural, dynamical... czytaj dalej
It seems a long time ago that Fitz and Gabby were together, with his work on extinct species about to make him world-famous. Now, it's his career that is almost extinct. Suddenly, though, the beautiful Gabby... czytaj dalej
Considers the needs of prospective multiple-birth parents. ... czytaj dalej
Samantha Byrd is a klutz. She's the laughingstock of her basketball team and mean Judith Bellwood is making her miserable. But that all changes when Sam meets someone who can grant her three wishes. Only she... czytaj dalej
This text is written to provide the clinician with thorough working appreciation of the SAECG. Subject matter is selected to highlight the background and application of the SAECGs most practical aspects. The... czytaj dalej
Sposób na Maturę? to seria książek skierowanych do uczniów i nauczycieli. Autorzy szczegółowo omawiają różne typy zadań egzaminacyjnych, podają sposoby ich rozwiązania i wnikliwie analizują typowe błędne rozwiązania... czytaj dalej
Podróż przez wszystkie kontynenty, w czasie której dzieci poznają różne środowiska, rośliny i zwierzęta, dowiedzą się więcej o klimacie Ziemi, najciekawszych zjawiskach przyrodniczych. A do tego magnesy, które... czytaj dalej