Irene Shannon is taken from a battlefield in chains.
She has lost her husband and her sister, has killed a lot of people, and she is ready for it all to end. Instead, she finds herself the captive of a king. The British royals have heard tales of the two English sisters aligned with the people of the New World, and they believe her to be a witch. They wish for her to marry into their family. She refuses. What follows is a battle of wills, a plot with unlikely allies -an illegitimate daughter of the King's raised in a brothel, a one-legged Brigadier General of the British army, and a gay Earl- and a daring escape. Irene learns that her husband may still be alive, and she will do anything to get back to him, even cross an ocean back to the monster-infested New World.
Wydawnictwo: b.d
Data wydania: 2024-11-21
Kategoria: Fantasy/SF
Liczba stron: 582
Tytuł oryginału: Witch Wife
Język oryginału: Angielski
Przeczytane:2024-10-25, Ocena: 5, Przeczytałam, Ebook, 52 książki 2024, 26 książek 2024, 12 książek 2024, Wyzwanie - wybrana przez siebie liczba książek w 2024 roku, Przeczytaj tyle, ile masz wzrostu – edycja 2024, Insta challenge. Wyzwanie dla bookstagramerów 2024, 2024, Love Books Tours , Recenzencka, Mam,
" [...] A body is a separate entity, sometimes, and desperate to survive. A mind is like a parasite, to the body's host. [...]"
It was my first reading encounter with Lumen Reese's work.
Thanks to her novel "Witch Wife", she has become known as a wonderful author who wants to be read endlessly.
I love it when I find more than one literary genre in a book.
"The Witch Wife" is such a novel.
I found here, among others, elements of horror, fantasy and women's literature. Oh, and I forgot, the historical threads here are brilliant.
My favourite from this book is the main character, Irene Shanon. She is a fighter and in my opinion a very unhappy woman. She's been through a lot and unfortunately there's still a lot ahead of her. She killed many people. Will she answer with her head for this? Will she be forgiven?
You will also meet real monsters here. Take care and stay alert.
The ending made me really want to read the next volume.
Would you also go to "hell" to get your loved one back?
"The Witch Wife" is the first volume of the "The Crocus" trilogy.
I guarantee that after reading this volume, you will want to know more about the story.
I am delighted with the modest and very eloquent cover.
Don't wait, just quickly reach for "Witch wife" by Lumen Reese.
Finally, I will leave you with a question: is the main character actually a witch?
I love it when authors focus on strong female characters. Thanks to this, they break the stereotype that women are the weaker sex.